Monday, July 11, 2005

The London Bombings, Gloves Off Now!

To all American Patriots thanks for your support.

I have calmed down a little and amended my proposals, so any left wing non-patriotic scumbags who don’t agree with them can go and fuck themselves with a lighted stick of Dynamite and meet some virgins!! So it has started the Muslim terrorist scum have marked all innocent citizens of the UK as targets. How many of these animals have been let in under Labour’s open door immigration and asylum policy that will take in the scum of the world’s population without any vetting whatsoever.

How many have grown up here, second-generation corner shop-keeper’s children, the enemy from within? Now is the time for the indigenous Brits to strike back. We must consolidate our strengths and put the scum on their back foot in the forthcoming fight to preserve our way of life. If these bombings are a declaration of war, the enemy from where ever they come from will have to be taken on with the same unflinching resolve that our parents and grandparents took on Nazis Germany and Fascist Italy during World War 2.

If this means interment or repatriation for enemy suspect so be it. Gloves have now got to come off Germans and Italians were interned on the Isle of White and the Isle of Man here in the UK. While the USA interned the American Japanese population for the duration of the war after they did the dirty at Pearl Harbour! Right or wrong security of the British people must come first.

1) Interment camps must now be brought in to act as a staging post for the boot, to start kicking suspect foreign arses out of the UK.
2) The borders are closed to all suspect foreigners.
3) Repatriation of all suspect Muslims to the own countries.
4) Armed troops at all points of entry into the UK.
5) ID cards for all people who have no direct link with any British relations who lived through the WWII and cannot prove this link!
6) We ban all fanatical Islamic Clerics to their country of origin.
7) All Muslims must sign a declaration that their allegiance is to Great Britain if they wish to carry on living here.

No more pussy-footing about forget the Olympics in London spend the money on home security and our people, forget the poverty in Africa while were under attack and start thinking of the poverty of clarity in common-sense policies lacking in our Arsehole Leaders!!!

Time for a new statesman of Winston Churchill’s calibre to take us out of the mire, that the treacherous politicians of the last half a century have led us Brits into!!!!

You will always get these livered Lilly Liberals wringing their hands when the unpalatable has to be carried out to protect our freedom. My uncle a D Day veteran was one of only half a dozens men of around 40 in his company made it back to Blighty in one piece after his Landing craft hit the beach. Recently he moved from his land fit for heroes tower block, mid 80s and a real gentleman, but his 90% non English neighbours can’t even return his greeting of Good morning! I am glad we had a race with balls 60 years ago or he would have not had that problem, as we would all be speaking German now. Yeh, what would have happened if they all refused to not go, and tried the conscientious objectors route to peace?

Re: the IRA realised they were on to a hiding to nothing killing innocents with the main land bombing campaign (Guilford and Birmingham), the world’s media took them apart, which was not good for the course. They then concentrated mainly on the destroying the infrastructure Baltic exchange etc. They gave warnings didn’t they, this lot are a different animal, they want wide spread carnage, people who can hack of heads of live human beings will not be interested fencing with you and your liver lily arguments.

An analogy can be made with WW2 we admittedly, suffered then a million times more than these Tubes and Bus outrages. But we had radar the early warning system and first class fighter pilots and Winston Churchill, Chamberlain’s useless piece of paper showed that appeasement does not work. Where we nearly came unstuck was Hitler’s terror weapons, we managed to have some success with the V1s but the V2s we unstoppable (the prototype that put man on the moon) this is where we are now! If ground forces of the allied troops had not over run German positions they could have had us surrendering within six months with their terror weapon the V1.

The men who hit those Normandy beaches and their families have been betrayed, (how many with have gone if they had had a crystal ball!) the country has been given away, my uncle’s quote and he is not into politics is “That we have become a land of to many tribes”! Anyone can become British today, but you have to assimilate first! To arrive here and say I seek asylum therefore I am now British is certainly not recognised by the indigenous Brits that some have a hard time acknowledging.

America did not deserve what happened to them nor did Britain. Yet Muslim fanatics and hand wringing liberals say they it was brought on themselves! Wait a minute didn’t they both go to the aid of Muslims suffering in the former Yugoslavia states? Would Muslims have attacked Muslims for Christians, never in a million years. I’m not a warmonger but this country is under siege from unchecked immigration and asylum. I have lived here (in London) all my adult life, the multiculturalism that you liberals propagate for the remaining indigenous Brits is a million miles from the lives that most of you bastards have mapped out for yourselves. The do as I do brigade not the do as I do, still when they have fucked England up they can all flee to Tuscany or where ever they have stashed the readies! Your, all fucking hypocrites. We the indigenous Brits never asked for a multicultural country. No and I mean no, no one out of the thousands of normal commonsense Brits I have met in my life time want it.

From the ripple of the first few hundred West Indians that came here on the Windrush, to the over whelming flood form every corner of the globe. Britain is a country facing the extinction of her biological, cultural and historical blood line stock. (Mainly Anglo-Saxon and Celtic) Those coming here now do not wish to assimilate, like the Jews and Irish from our recent past. The working classes of Britain are bearing the brunt of mass unchecked immigration. Large pools of Labour reduce the market price for labour, it has also pushed White Flight to unprecedented levels. The foreigners move in the whites move out 200,000 per year for the last couple of decades in London alone! Dodging muggers and antisocial foreigners with crap values on London’s streets has become an art. It’s not stoic to brush aside the bombings, we do it because we live here and have no choice it was the same with the blitz generation. Let all these bloody labour minister start using the Tube and buses like us, of cause they won’t the gutless bastards. With all the foreign sods pushing us further and further out, some of us turn a blind eye others vote with their feet. But when they want to blow us up and the media and government has the audacity to call them Brits that hurts and is really taking the piss! I’m already hearing these so-called new Brits saying they will let or sell their homes and return to their real homeland if these bombings carry on! It was lucky it was not a dirty (Nuke) Bomb! Gloves off now!!!!