Friday, July 22, 2005

Big Crises, Little Men!

So we had a lucky escape yesterday! When will our useless bastards leaders get to grips with the seriousness of these terrorists on our small island! We are defiantly being ruled by our inferiors. We want armed troops on the streets of London and at all ports of entry. What is PM B-lairs answer, Oh lets have our nice 3 months summer holidays (what a fucking joke), close down parliament and the nasty bogy men will hopefully have gone away by the time parliament opens up again in October! What a prick he is, a spineless piece of work, scared he will upset the Muslims here. We are at war here and a declaration to that fact should be proclaimed and the necessary responses and measures put in place. The language being used by the liberal twats is one of appeasement, which will give succour to the filthy scum carrying out these acts. The left wing political correctness that exists here is hindering our police and security forces!

The day they bombed London was the day that the Brits can finally take their first steps to reclaim our homelands! For the recent decades of deceit, lies and corruption, that our treacherous politicians have played in pulling the wool over the eyes of the gullible people of this Great Island, are no more! The Islamic suicide bombers have blown away those blindfolds forever in the worst atrocity since Hitler’s terrors weapons were launched against London over 60 years ago. Multiculturalism has been shown up for what it is and blasted to bits in the same explosions that killed the innocent victims. It does not work, and while we the indigenous white people of the UK still exist in greater number than those who hate us, we must political remove the left wing hypnotists that have harm our rights to exist as free born peoples.

We have all got to start, however small in smashing down this PC bullshit that is ruling our lives here and educating the rest of the UK, those not yet affected as to what awaits them if they ignore the continuing invasions upon these shores by peoples who will overrun our race and culture and replace it with theirs!

To all new visitors I hope to have a comments section up and running in the next week or two!