Monday, July 24, 2006

The Way We Were!

19th century London Slums

So what precipitates the desire to leave a city where you were born and bred and your family has lived there and has ties going back 140 years or more. I won’t list the reasons here if you have an hour or two you can read my entire blog if you don’t have a life! The answers are there, I will try to reach 100 rants then perhaps call it a day! I’m up to about 87. There is a life outside this stink hole that I aiming for. Just got my grandchildren into a none PC church school outside London, now just got to get our-selves out as well.

The concept of urban city life where great chunks of our population live cheek by jowl, in over crowded areas (yet the wankers still want to send even more millions here!) is relatively new in modern historical terms. Before the industrial revolution most of our population still lived in towns, villages and hamlets in this not so very green island at the moment, due to our heat waves.

We the British that always consisted only of, The English, Scottish Welsh and Irish up until their independence then Northern Irish, (None of this world British crap!) How can you be a British Indian or Chinese or Afro-Caribbean or whoever, I am waiting for the first British Martian! It is a geographical term in relationship to the nations that make up Britain. We have had historical problems mainly through class and social division, but we managed to get there in the end. In the main, many of the previous social and political problems were overcome after very long political struggles that involved the working classes getting some power! No I’m not a union man although they helped paved the way for setting better pay and conditions. Today many of them of archaic and bent (crooked lefties feathering their own nests)

Children living and sleeping rough!

The struggle for fairness and a more egalitarian society seems to have reached an apex 1948, when National Health Service was born! The then working man or woman could look back at the lives of their own parents and grandparents, and know that a milestone had been reached and lifted from their shoulders, this was surely the age of a new worker’s utopia that many in a generation or two before could only have dreamt about. The Labour party had achieved something then!

The stories that Charles Dickens told included the social conditions that many Brits in living memory had personal experiences of, or knew of those that did and the implications of been born in the wrong class! Workhouses, ragamuffins, (street arabs/urchins) and kids stuck up chimneys were a reality in the 19th and 20th centuries! These were some of the norm social conditions endure by Brits of the lower social order. They may have been fictitious stories, but elements of truth underlines the lives of those that were not politically organised, i.e. the working classes.

The poor were rich with time!

See what an American Adventurer and Social Commentator made of London's East End life at the turn of the 20th century.

Writing to George and Carrie Sterling from the East End, London said, "I have heard of God's country, but this country is the country God has forgotten that he forgot. I've read of misery, and seen a bit; but this beats anything I could even have imagined. Actually, I have seen things and looked the second time in order to convince myself that it was really so. . . . I think I should die if I had to live two years in the East End of London."

I have only recently come across this intriguing American guy Jack London but he is, I believe famous for is writings and photography on social conditions he came across in his world travels.
A very famous book on London’s poor at the turn of 20th century
The People of the Abyss First published by Macmillan, 1903
I’ll have to try and get it the above link has chapters of this book!

Jack London an American in London at the turn off the 20th century.

This photo of him belies the period it was taken nearly a 100 years ago you would think it was more from The Water Front or Rebel without a Cause in the 1950s!

It seems today that the lives of the indigenous (white) working classes in Britain are cheap again and matter not! The deal was after WW2 was that the British Jack and his brood were no longer going to take shit from the old master class plan! They had just used the working classes to defeat a Nazi ideology and it’s master race plans. New plans for a better Britain were drawn up, no more scrapping around for a half a crown (twelve and half new pence) for a doctor to come out to those who could not afford it. A society with a social conscious was born out of the remnants of a world war that shook this ancient nation to her knees. It took that, before fellow privileged and educated Brits realised that Britain was a nation of two halves, a very comfortable capitalist class and the lackeys who done their biddings. Now I’m no Marxist so don’t go getting your knickers in a twist, (I believe in free enterprise but not at any price and certainly not sweatshop rates and conditions that are detrimental to the indigenous as well as immigrant newcomers!

Especially since our forefathers fought hard to change an exploitive mindset of those who would happily exploit those who only had their hourly/day labour to offer!) But a change was needed and it happened all without a revolution. Not that there had been any half hearted attempts by the working classes in the 19th century (The Chartists) and a National Strike in the 20th century both put down by their so-called betters!

So it now beggars belief that only sixty years on from WW2 the white indigenous working and not working as much as they would like classes (due to the mass importation of cheap labour) are having the boot put in on them again! This time by the party purporting to represent their bread and butter voters! The land that I loved is becoming the land that I hate! I am not the only one, because very soon and within my lifetime there could be major political and civil unrest. We have already witnessed the beginnings such happenings, with our own race riots in the last twenty years. There is no let up from those who wish to see the words England and the ENGLISH disappear from the horizon. Fill in a form today and many of you will notice the lack of the words England and English from the equal opportunities surveys and other spying state gatherers from the Multicultural, Multi-racial drones of a crackpot perverse ideology.

If I’m a racist and I don’t deny that I am not if others perceive my views as one! My environment has certainly helped shaped my views and has made me one by default, but hang on a moment don’t all the world’s peoples all prefer the company of their own peoples! If people are to cross-bred let that be a choice for the individual, as cupid’s arrows can strike anywhere. But what we have in Britain is a conspiracy from the very top, (the I’m alright PC brigade let them mate their offspring with the wonders of the world entering Britain’s open borders) that says its alright to push the tribes of the world onto us white British working classes and mongolise us in to half breeds!

I recently saw the look on one of my (declining in numbers) white neighbour’s face when her grandchild was presented to her! Her daughter another stupid ill educated white working class Brit who thought a quick shag in an alleyway without protection with her two minute wonder black spawn maker, was love. She is now like a multitude of countless others here in London and other cities who have become involuntary breeders to help the birth of the forthcoming Mongol state, helped the by cohesion of the New Labour State machine of the Multicultural lie, that makes the Nazis Lebensborn, looks like one off nursery crèche!

She and others will complete their cycles of breeding the new father-less Brits will tear this country apart in time. For if the lie is not already common knowledge why are the indigenous native Brits not staying put. I think there are in the region of 100,000 Brits moving to France (alone) every year, to a people we have had many historical grievances with, but are soon willing to forget them so they can save their faces, their white faces from the countless invasion of the all the world tribes that are picking over the bones of a once great nation!

Brits especially the working classes have put up with a lot of shit in our recent past history, we deserve better consideration and leadership, I think the only way its going to come is from a nationalist government with a national agenda. As Tory boy and Noddy and the rest of the philandering fucks don’t give a monkey’s shit that they are fucking up the UK forever! They won’t be around, will they and if they are they will have shot to their boltholes abroad, where they have stashed the readies, The Bastard Traitors that they are!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

"More Tea Vicar"!

No Problem Charles, it’s an expression that I first picked up from the mother in law! If she was talking negatively about someone, it was a favourite expression of hers and still is. I suppose it’s probably old cockney wit, meaning that unless their arseholes were sewn up they will never change, and since that the probability of that to happen is zilch, they will conform to their true nature (who ever its aimed at.) There are loads of witty little sayings that are getting lost forever as many of the young here in London want to imitate the West Indian lingo and phrases at a cost to our own. Shame it use to be in the past that those that came here wanted to fit in and use our colloquialisms in what ever part of the UK they set up shop!

Cockney wit and charm is dieing out as the white working classes of London have been moving away for the last forty years. Many areas of North, South, West and East London now look more like down town Jamaica, or Bangladesh and many more colonies of those who will never become English or Londoners as long as they have holes in their arses.

Another Cockney piece of wit you can use if say if an uncouth person, foreigner or family member passes wind in front of you (farted), WHICH HAPPENED IN A SHOP THE OTHER DAY AND I USED WITH GREAT PLEASURE. I was in the bread shop, yeah we still have a few that sell fresh bread, a wild looking bunch of Turds, Kurds or whatever they bloody were came in, quick check of the wallet in the back pocket. Many signs are springing up warning of pickpockets, as they have now spread out from the tubes to shopping centres. Anyway wallet was still there! I had had an experience of another a bunch new brits getting too close behind me in a shop with their African mother and felt a small hand trying my back pocket. I turned around and told them all to piss off. No good shouting for the old Bill (police) they would not come even if I were quick enough to grab that hand it would be me that gets done for assault!

Anyway back in the bread shop the Turd who broke wind was met by my little “More tea Vicar”! LOL They looked on like the dumbo’s they were, but the other few English and the shop assistant appreciated it with smiles and a little laugh. (Dirty buggers I left the shop before they stunk it out and got a slice loaf from the supermarket.) They bring their dirty ways here and while tramping all over our friendly nature and take us for granted! It is the white working classes that are bearing the brunt and have been sacrificed in the name of these Multicultural, Multi Racial foreign invasions!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Sparky's blog is a year old!

Children in the bomb ruins of WW2 and a spirit that filtered down to even to the smallest Brits!

The way we were once upon a time not so long ago, we stopped a mighty Nazi invasion then but we can't protect our shores now, thanks to our politicians!

Anniversaries come and go but I’d like to think this one is a little different! I have been writing on my blog for a year now, happy birthday Sparky. I started blogging a year ago as the blood boiled in my veins out the outrage from the London bombings, carried out by Home grown Muslim fanatics. This one day in Britain’s history that saw the worst peacetime atrocity carried out on innocent men and women thank God there were no school children on those tubes or that red double decker bus, but that would have not stopped these monsters that a Multicultural Britain gave birth to!

Why do I write a blog of misery and woe many may ask! It’s cheaper than a psychiatrist. LOL but my task is not save us from the impeding take over of this island by foreign hoards. I think we have already passed the place of no return! My job as I see it, is fundamentally to scribe what is happening from an indigenous white working class Brit’s perspective. A sort of latter day Samual Pypes, the 17th century diarist, who described the Great Fire of London and much more.

Perhaps I should start making entries in my blog like one!
Today July 10th 2006 still trying to get out of the shit-hole called London. Some might argue that it is not a shit-hole, yes all those who are now colonising it, and those who live in gated exclusively rich only ghettos! I can’t leave my family behind but I’m working on getting them somewhere safer with me.

Took the grandchildren to school, on their bikes not far from their mixing pot of all the tribes in their non-English school! My Grandson was told not to take his England hat to school last week, he was banned from wearing it! Can’t make the foreign kids feel out of place can we now even if our national football team is in the world cup, must behave as if they we are in their place! By the way the assimilation is not working there, he told me that the West Indian kids wanted Brazil to win while the Turks wanted England to lose every match!

Who is teaching your child in the classroom?

My two beautiful blond white grandchildren are a depressing minority where the state will be more than happy to give them a second rate, biased anti British education in their own country! “England swings like a pendulum do, Bobby’s own bicycle 2 by 2, Westminster Abbey, Tower Big Ben and the Rosy red cheeks of the little children” So the lyrics of that early 1960s song went! You won’t find the future English school children being able to blush with guilt if they are caught carrying out crimes of terrorism or other serious acts of violence let alone see their rosy red cheeks!

What is being taught in your children's school?

My point is England has changed for the worst and the English are an endangered people, crime is on the increase higher than any time since Robert Peel’s Bobbies started to walk a beat and gave the world it’s first police force. Sorry must not say Police Force now its Police Service well fuck that. The word force might offend criminals and terrorists and foreigners! Don’t take my word that multiculturalism stinks literally, check the crime stats yourself they are out there somewhere! I don’t have to, I can see and witness it, and if you’re unlucky sometimes experience it. Whole swaths of former white neighbourhoods all across our country have disappeared in what seems overnight flight, it has been happening for the last 40 years. It started out as a trickle but is now a flood of mass exodus of white British born natives, some 200,000 plus per year have been leaving our capital. Not true some left-wing scumbags might say! You do not have to look far to see that whole boroughs have been taken over, there must be at least six million non-native so-called new British (just dip your toe in the waters around our shores, hey presto, you're a Brit!) in London alone who have no connection with those who gave their all during WW2! Many areas you can play spot the white man with no trouble at all.

The death of Britannia
You tourists when you come here go just a bit further than The Tower of London, Big Ben and Westminster Abby, no rosy red cheek children (only red face politicians, how could they have done us up like this, Enoch Powell warned us didn’t he!) will you find in the back streets, only their foreign replacements, the invasions pods have sprouting everywhere. The deniers don’t want to see it or acknowledge the truth, it is not painful for them they are cocooned in their safe Ivory Tower where the foreign invasion pods of peaceful new so-called Brits are not allowed in!

Today as I walked back across the playground 101 different races passed me by and I’m supposed to celebrate this take over of my country! I’m brought back to the question by the old girl who was a war ambulance driver! “Where have all my people gone?” she said as she look out of her flat window and reminisced about her chums, Hitler and the far off days before we were invaded and managed stopped the Third Reich in their tracks, when Britain at that time was the only free democracy that stared evil in the eye and made it blink first!

The invasion forces consist of many who will never become British as long as they have holes in their arses. Africans; Nigerians, Angolans, Ghanaians and many more from the dark continent, Arabs; Iraq, Iranians, Ethiopians, Turks, Albanians, Kurds Afro-Caribbean’s, Somalia’s Asians Chinese Indians. Not forgetting Pakistanis and West Indians the races of our Muslim suicide bombers! The above are just a few of the invaders but mainly the majority. They still have their own home countries that are full of people of their unique make up. It seems that the British are the only people in the world are not allowed a county that is unique to our own historical make up.

I don’t know how long I can keep this blogging up I will have to pack up and join those who have fled sometime, but I’ll warn you for as long as I can, especially those who have their heads buried like ostriches, what is coming your way!

My father’s generation did not fight for this! He and his four brothers were in all the theatres of war from defending the UK to D Day, North Africa and the Middle and Far East. They are all gone now but one day the politicians must be held responsible for betrayal of his generation and the plight facing their children!!!


No nation in the world’s history has been ask to do what the British have, give up their homeland, identity, history and culture to foreigners and their non British values. Kamikaze Britain is nearly complete!

All over seen by Big Brother interfering New Labour corrupt and morally bankrupt politicians.

A typical smug bastard of New Labour caught with his pants down he is now taking the piss out of the electorate in the UK.
He just wont go and can’t be sacked what does he have on Noddy?

What does Clinton and Prescott have in common? Answer Suckee-fuckee and a Public Office Desk one on top and the other underneath! LOL (This is in reference to their betrayal of their respective public offices, they both have held and treated them and us with such distain! They both performed sex acts, no not on each other, perish the thought now I've put it in your head, YUK!)

From the path-finders of one or two came hundreds then thousands to the millions we have here to day threatening our own national identity, say nothing of our homeland security! The children saw strange men in their homeland attire and they stared at the Africans. Today in London only fifty years later and in many parts of the UK the indigenous white man is now the stranger in his own homeland, it is he who would now look out of place!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Death of Multiculturalism!

One year ago the British people witnessed the death of multiculturalism!

Nearly Sixty Innocent people, mostly Londoners going about their day to day business were blown to bits by Muslim fanatics that were born and raised in the country that their parents had made their home. Many more were seriously injured, a recent survivor was awarded around £100,000 for the lose of two legs and one eye. That is around the same amount of money the government dishes out on average to asylum seeking families over a two year period including picking up the tabs for education, translators, hospital treatment, dental, priority housing, food, heating and of cause the BBC license fee of which they are immune from! A fee that is a tyrannical political left-wing taxation against the freedom-loving individual! A perverse tax (in a perverse Britain) that has no place in the western world, but look around you, No police on the beat, only spying cameras in the sky!!!

Criminals and Terrorists are setting up shop in the UK like never before in our history. The other day a 75-year-old neighbour of mine was almost bushwhacked behind his home while walking his little dog. These white Eastern European scumbags threaten to take his Mutt if he did not hand over his money. He called their bluff and told them to fuck off. Another brave Brit holding his ground, they bottled out, but left him badly shaken. Welcome to the land fit for heroes! The Dross walk in here daily yet our parents stopped jacked booted Nazis. Where has it all gone wrong?

Still one year on there is still an open barn door policy of allowing any Mohammad, Razor or Abdul to set up shop here and not conform to a British way of Life! Thanks Mr Blair and all you scummy politicians who would not recognise commonsense if it hit you on the forehead on the end of a cricket bat! Only when you and yours are affected will the British people see change that we all want. But you and your lot don’t live in the real worlds that affect the victims of Multiculturalism!!!

Blair before power says to his inner circle of commie sympathisers, “I will bring the UK to her knees, don’t worry comrades I promise you by the time I leave office you will not recognise the UK especially England!”

He has kept his word he will surely go down as the most ineffective and treacherous PM in our history.

A place that you can still walk the streets in safety! The Police will protect you if you can find one!

Was it all in Vain!