Thursday, August 25, 2005

Some immigrants are Poles apart!

This post was started by David at A Tangled Web


In the country with no borders! In the UK right now there are a lot of poles coming to work, but there again there is a lot of everyone coming here! They are hard working, they are Christians, but they are also very Cheap!!! They do help restore a very slight religious and racial balance! I have no problems with Poles, HOWEVER I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH CHEAP LABOUR! Recently, I was wiring a house for a solicitor, I called out to the guy who was installing the fitted kitchen, he did not understand me! He done a good job though, but I asked the solictor why he was not using the guy I saw giving the first estimate. “Oh” he said slightly embarrassed “Er this guy is a lot cheaper and works well”! He had been passed along by other solicitors! Mass unchecked immigration into any country will always affect the indigenous working classes the most, skilled and the unskilled!!!

How much sterling leaves the UK every years, does it have a detrimental effect to the UK economy! My turn will no doubt come when another good pole, who is cheaper than me, replaces my labour and profit costs! He will work for a labour cost only. Again I don’t blame them for coming here I would in their circumstances, but that is no comfort to us Brits.
If solicitors were coming from abroad in large numbers and doing the conveyance in selling property here for say a pony (twenty five quid) and defending the rights to go to school dressed as Daft Vader look alikes (monkey for that one £500) questions would be asked by the members in Toy Town. And Noddy and his She Devil the best earners of all soliciting in the UK, the biggest prostitutes of them all would shout the loudest! Why? Because their monopoly was being taken away!

I won’t knock the Poles, out of all the recent immigrants into this country I would say they are the most deserving! They had to put up with living behind an iron block of USSR. They also suffered from the Nazis during the war.

But they most endearing thing about the Poles is they are not cowards!
They helped us save Britain in our first darkest hour !!
I believe they were a couple of fighter squadrons made up of them that helped the RAF defeat the German Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain.
(There were a few Aces fighter pilots amongst them as well!)

There is another factor why I welcome Poles here, they have some beautiful women arriving here. It’s nice to see some blond and blue eye immigrants for once instead of all the rag heads we have been getting for years now.

But they must not be turned into the cheap lackeys that some of our professional classes are tending to do! Competition is one thing, exploitation is another! It brings down the living standards for everyone!

Down with tight wads!!!

PS we must also remember that Spain has recently just given an amnesty to over 1000,000 (yes one million) illegal immigrants, now they will all hold a European visa with the right to come to the UK. How this will be played out is anyone guess. But impact on our labour market and social housing education, health services will not be good!
Welcome to Noddy’s land!!!