Thursday, August 04, 2005

A Month Ago Today!

Lets not forget what happened a month ago today our thoughts and prayers must go out to all the victims and their families. The photo below is why we must defeat the enemy from within! These home grown terrorists want the UK to become an Islamic state! The IRA wanted more autonomy for Northern Ireland resulting in a possible united Ireland but they gave warnings!These Muslims terrorists want to change our way of life forever! But I’m making no excuses for any acts of violence against the state or the individual.

Just how the worst terrorist attacks against Britain since Hitler’s Terror Weapons of WW2 were circumvented can be placed firmly at the door of the Multicultural Ideology. This ideology was imposed on the working classes of the British Isles but has now come back to haunt all classes in the UK! There has been no real integration from our point of view, Blacks move in Whites move out and some have their children! The poor and the old are left behind and it is they who have to make the effort to fit in with the newcomers! Just met an old woman ambulance driver of the London Blitz she said to me “why has it been allowed to happen”? She was talking about the changing face of the UK, literally. What can you say to someone like that, your sacrifices were all in vain! The country you helped to save from Nazis Germany domination was for those who are here now!

Over 50 years ago the Windrush pathfinders set about the colonization of whole swathes of working class areas, from the first few ripples of immigration has come the great flood that will eventually engulf all of Great Britain. We are only minuscule in size compared to the USA that also has the same problems, but we never had cotton-picking slaves imported here, so why are we having the same social and racial problems! The press are quite happy to keep the lid on things but those who live the lie know just what is happening out there! I have a cousin in Dewsbury in Yorkshire a few years back that had to have classes in a room above a public house because their children were just white dots in the local Asian Comprehensive Schools! Recently I found a Yardie special, (an automatic gun) fully loaded stuffed in a hole in a brick wall very close to where I live. No, I never kept it the police were called but you will never see reports like this in the liberal media. No doubt put there ready for a crime, only 100 yards from the local comprehensive school! I moved away from Muggings, drugs, bad habits, lack of manners and the crime that follows with their young over thirty years ago, but not far enough. Since labour got in 1997 the area is going to the dogs we knew it would come eventually! At this rate all our cities and large towns will be supplanted with peoples of different races and cultures within a couple of decades. Your children’s children may ask, like the little old lady who drove through the London Blitz, how did it happen? Many of you may look away in silence and ponder how her generation stopped another great invasion planned for this unique, of all islands!