Sunday, November 06, 2005

Should they put this in the Olympics?

Photo from Sticks and Stones
No Go Areas For White Britons! Just heard of another two Muggings! The young man who I reported in an earlier posting, the one who told his mother that she would have to wait a long while for grandchildren! As most of the white girls in the area want Brown babies, has just been mugged. Thankfully just roughed up and not too badly hurt. But mentally that’s another question! Time’s a great healer.
I have a friend of mine who was robbed by armed Afro-Caribbean’s 2 years ago, he has now moved to the West Country with his family. He went up to see a band at Xmas time in London, he caught the last tube train back, got out at that station. (Twenty–five years ago the Daily Mirror ran a story on the most dangerous Station in the UK highlighting a couple of murders of commuters returning home via that station, and getting stabbed to death. It looks like they are still in business there!) He decided to take a leak in a car park, (not wise) before catching a late bus.

He had his dick in his hand, pissing against a wall, when several black hands were swarming all over his body robbing his pockets of cash and personal items.
While two or three knives were prodded into his neck and back. I think the psychological damage there would take a little longer to heal than the first mugging I described above. Just think about it, ever time you took a leak! This shit has been going on for over thirty year now. And they wonder why there is ‘White Flight’! But some times we do fight back. I will tell the story of one mugging victim who formed a posse in early 1970s to fight these scum bags back if I have the time. (but not today though) I have never heard of another case of vigilantes since!!!

I swear they should bring out a new national sport of mugging. The Afro-Caribbean’s would win the events hands down! This is unfortunately the reality of life in the Multicultural ghettos that our politicians have created in the last 50 years, the lie we have to live with, while they are safe in their Ivory Towers!

Here is a link to Stick and Stones,

that you should look at occasionally if you want to know what’s happening on the streets of the United Kingdom, 65 years after we gave our all just to be stabbed in the back!!! In many areas Asians youths are now just as big a threat to public order in their creation of NO GO AREAS, just like the black violent criminals I have described!

The price of multiculturalism is becoming to high for us, the indigenous people of this great nation have to seek a solution and quick! No, not a final solution! We don’t want or need to exterminate anyone. But a solution we must have and a fair one to us, we deserve it! The politicians have turned their backs on the British people and if we don’t start taking the first steps to reverse what is happening in the UK now, the future will be a violent jungle for our children’s children!

There is no value placed on being a Briton today. I use this ancient term because any bastard can arrive here and proclaim they are so-called British and they do. The politicians do not value us, if they did they would not have sold this country down the road! Criminals from all over the world can and do arrive here to prey on us. When they are caught and if they serve time behind bars, they are hardly ever deported, why? There has been a case in the paper this last week of another Nigerian, who has been jailed several times for fraud and deported a couple. The papers called him the boomerang man because he always gets back into the UK. Do they think he is the only one? You can add six zeroes to that one at least, for those who wander in and out of the UK at their leisure! The government is completely useless and inept in controlling our borders. So we must change this!

The first step is political, Put your tick in a BNP box the next chance you have. The Tories and Labour have fucked up this great country between them. Next step repatriation, voluntary assisted passage to their home lands of all aliens who don’t want to fit in but just take us over! Are you listening Islam! Those who want to stay must take our culture and history first. Finally, the drawbridge of immigration must come up now before its too late!!!

Look at France this last week, all the rats who stashed the lolly there must be feeling a wee bit anxious right now, fucking serves them right the traitors! Many politicians have second homes there, it will not look such good bet now, after all they had sabotaged us and made a gapping hole in HMS Britannia!

But it is not to late to save our ship, we can plug that hole by taking the first tentative steps. Nationalism is not a dirty word!!!