Sunday, August 28, 2005

An American friend asks, Can ya get out of the EU????

I think that would be the only chance to salvage some proper autonomy over our own affairs! However, traitors of the highest order are ruling us. They the ruling classes (sometimes referred to as the chattering classes or the left wing intelligensia) have a lot of second homes in Tuscany in Italy so they can really take in the renaissance ambience, (snobby twats)!

So it is alright to seek out the culture of Europe’s rebirth from the dark ages. And admire the great works of art and knowledge that sprang from that time too! But heaven forbid if we were to acknowledge the history and culture that Britain gave to the world. Just look in our schools and see what is being taught! These phoneys want to be near high culture, while they are putting the boot in on our own, how perverse and corrupt is that!
Blair is too scared to go there at the moment, security risk and all that! The all that being the jerk off the Italians are giving us in not returning that scum Muslim bomber who was tracked there! Or else they have bolt-holes in France, Portugal and Spain.

There is no way in Gods name that these people will want to negatively (financially wise) affect the retirement plans and upset their nest eggs.

Those who will pay the real price for this multicultural fiasco will be the poor indigenous white working classes of the UK. (I suppose we will all be issued with a Michael Jackson reverse pill at sometime, once big brother is in complete control. (It would be a darn sight quicker that this White Flight Business!) We can’t all flee, and many are too set in their ways. No, what has been done to us since WW2 is tantamount to treason. Our parents and grandparents made the ultimate sacrifices when this great nation went to war to protect our way of life then!

Only a third of the UK populations voted these Champagne Socialists in. The do as I say brigade not as I do, But that does not mean the other two thirds are right wing by any chance. You now have a very large foreign element to swing any small balance in votes. The white working classes of the the UK are really quite stuffed! It would take a revolution to shift the balance from the left and liberal so-called middle ground. The more foreigners that pour into the UK daily keeps the wages down and takes our hard fought for services (welfare, housing, education) say nothing of increased crime, drugs and disease combined with alien life styles!!! But they will remember who let them in! They are the new Labour Voters. As for many of these Liberal twats as long as the foreign hordes are not living in their villages or hamlets (but destroying our urban cities and towns forever), they will quite happily believe in the Multicultural Myth!

As for the Tories many of them are twats too and corporate creeps who have rose to the top in their political spheres by default and privilege they are out of step and have lost their conservative values.

The far right, BNP in this country political wise are a fledgling group not yet made inroads into the middleclass area, most of their support comes from working class people who are in the firing line and who are experiencing at first hand what the ostrich voter denies! It is so depressing really that the children of the war generation care little for they children’s children future because of their selfish short-term gains.

Incidentally, the former illegal immigrants in Spain who have been given an amnesty by the left wing government there, will go where??? Many will apply for a European visa over 1000,000 (one million) and will probably be made up mostly from the Muslim countries including those from North African Arabs and Black African Muslims!!!!

Tally Ho bandits at 6 O’Clock high approaching. LOL if it was only a Joke!

Achtung ! Fritz, Mien Got look out Fritz, Spitfire, rat te tat tat (We won that one, so that we may be ruled by fools and charlatans sixty years later!)