Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Zebra Killings! We are not talking striped horses on the African Plains!

The most taboo subject in the World! Can you guess it?

I doubt whether you would get it in a million years, or perhaps you may. It seems that, there is such a deep pathological hatred for whites by some blacks and liberals alike, that this taboo subject is having trouble reaching the world’s media of press, TV, radio or film! This hatred is so telling that it is nothing other than an official cover up, that has taken place to play down this taboo’s outrage! The facts are that despite the most notorious outbreaks of Black on White murders, to have ever occurred in recent recorded history in a western civilised country, the USA. Hardly anything has been documented in text or film for general public consumption since they happened over a quarter of a century ago!

The black perpetrators were a faction of 'Calypso Louis' Farrakhan's 'Nation of Islam'

The hate crimes no one dares mention!

I have only just come across them via the Bournemouth Nationalist website.

Most of the American public remain ignorant about these Killings! So why were these horrific murders played down and kept from the populace at large all these years?

If these had been White on Black murders there would have been dozens of books and films to document what had happened. This information is only coming to light now by the bloggers, like the Bournemouth Nationalist, and show how valuable the blogs are as a tool of free speech and information. There are real worries for the future in the UK and many other white populations in the World's so-called Multicultural societies that are springing up in former white countries. The thing is, it is not a reciprocal experiment that’s occurs in these non-white countries where the non-white immigrants come from. They remain 100% native in their racial origins, for the most part.

I have been saying for a while now, that one does not have to have the brain of an Einstein to see what the future holds for the multicultural society here in the UK, Each section pulling to have its own political sway of influence over those who are different than them in many, many ways!!!

To be forewarned has the saying goes is to be forearmed. The multicultural society is not working here in the UK apart from the transitional period! The non-white foreigners move in and white Brits start moving out, but some can’t move! Some give up their racial heritage and have inter racial relationships, which further adds to the demise of the indigenous white population. The end results can be seen without any argument! Many white areas of Britain have become predominately black. So when the white man and woman no longer exists in greater numbers than non whites in their own hard won lands, that our noble white ancestors fought tooth and nail to defend, the words of Enoch Powell won’t sound so hollow to all the traitors who cast him aside and said he was a racist, (because he believed in his own race first) and then his prophecy of the words he spoke “the black man will have the upper hand” will ring true, but then it will be too late! When we are 100% a Black Island, will we have integrated enough then?


Results 1 - 10 of about 146,000 for The zebra killings. (0.04 seconds
on a google search or

Results 1 - 10 of about 53 from frontpagemag.com for The zebra killings. (0.04 seconds

The information is there for documentary film makers or writers so why the secrecy, why play it down as if it never happened?

The public still by and large remain blissfully unaware of these black racist supremacist murderers, who waged a horrific carnage on a totally ignorant white population in the USA over a quarter of a century ago! Why? Is it because it is the unmentionable Black on White hate crimes, and that just won’t do with our white controlled liberal loving hypocritical and biased media, who will only recognize White on Black hate crimes!

You can’t hide the truth forever it always finds a way of getting out!