Friday, January 06, 2006

A Great Nationalist!

Mahatma Gandhi

On New Year’s Day I saw a wonderful film about Gandhi the great Indian Nationalist who kicked the British out of India. It was a film that told the story of his fight to free Indian from British colonial rule that had lasted around 200 years. The story was a well-documented drama that portrayed the young lawyer Gandhi in South Africa’s early civil rights movement for his native Indians, right up to his assassination after India’s independence was won. Gandhi’s non-violent non co-operation policy worked because the British did leave in the end. But would it have worked against the likes of a dictator like Hitler? I very much doubt it! The British were a different kettle of fish, they were fried slowly to make them see, no one should be over seeing indigenous peoples affairs and ruling their countries!

The Brits for all their colonial faults, merit some good acknowledgements! They opened up India with their invention of the Iron Horse, (sorry wrong continent that was the American Plains Indian’s phrase!) The Steam Locomotives and Railway networks from Britain’s industrial age, went hand in hand with New Laws based on the British system of justice and cricket! However, just reading a national rag today, they don’t seem to have been able to stop reverting back to their own barbaric ways and customs sometimes! ‘Thou shall not chop thy sister’s head off as she lays asleep in bed, because she married outside her cast’! Does not easily translate into the 21st century mindset of the non-Hindu or Muslim because she has dishonoured the family!!!

A beautiful historical film of a great Nationalist who just happen to be black and loved his country as a patriot!

So why does the media and many others in the UK frown and despise the British Nationalists who love their country with the same passion as Gandhi loved India. They only want to stop their race and their country from being dominated and ruled by foreigners just like Mahatma Gandhi did!

A Happy Nationalist New Year to one and all.