Sunday, September 04, 2005


A story about Britain’s preparation if we get the Chinese bird flue here!
Only enough vaccine for 2% of the population is available! Who has already been allotted their share of potential life saving medicine?
Yes that's right Noddy and Co and the BBC!!!

Even Goebels the Nazis propagandist couldn’t have come up with this stroke. It all makes sense, after we are all pushing up daisies, Noddy would still have his biased media outlet. Boycott the BBC License fee, an archaic and unfair means of raising funds in the running of a 21st century TV station. (Other TV stations rely on advertising so why shouldn’t they?) Any ideas you Yanks, what about instigating another BOSTON TEA PARTY here, LOL It may have been alright sixty years ago when TV was in its infancy and only the very rich here had a TV set. But it is complete Bollocks to be a criminal offence not to have a licence in the BB state (That could be Blair’s Britain or BIG BROTHER’S BRITAIN both the same anyhow!)

“MEMBERS of Britain’s elite have been selected as priority cases to receive scarce pills and vaccinations at the taxpayers’ expense if the country is hit by a deadly bird flu outbreak.
Workers at the BBC and prominent politicians — such as cabinet ministers — would be offered protection from the virus.”

Full story from Central News