Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Sparky's Winding Up Comments!

I am going to miss you Sparky. I nearly cried when I read your account of the wicked murder of the the London lawyer. It's good to know there are others like me who are angry and frightened by what is going on in our once beautiful country (there are more than we think). Soon my husband and I will be joining your white flight perhaps we'll see you there.
God Bless.Linda 01.17.06 - 8:33 pm #

Sorry to see you are giving up the blogging. People with our views and opinions need to keep hammering home the message, so hopefully you will return.It's been a pleasure reading your thoughts.If you ever feel the need to vent your anger, you are always welcome over at the NEW Sticks and Stones forum.The new forum can be found at
Good luck for the future.King Chillout Homepage 01.17.06 - 11:09 pm #

Thank you for your comments Linda, there are definitely more of us than the media and the state gives us credit for! We the silent majority have to speak out and not be frighten to, this is our homeland, and we don’t have another one like most of these so-called ethnic minority foreigners do! And they we be soon the majority, if we allow it to happen! This was and still is a beautiful country, but time is running out for our children’s children if we don’t stand up to be counted now! I would urge all British people who are Patriots to vote BNP when they get the chance, even if just once, to send a message to the great betrayers of our fore-fathers tremendous sacrifices, especially those of 60 years ago! (Re 60 years ago: one little old World War 2 to all you ignorant foreign gits who have come here but don't know our history!)

What was it all for if the nation is now giving away our country to others for nothing, when others tried in the past to come here and conquer us while armed to their teeth! But we said NO WAY then to these other foreigners who wished to impose their life styles, culture and cruelty on us, and wipe out ours in the process, so what has change since then?The way things are going here, we will soon need the American right to bear arms for self-defence on our streets. Another slaughter of an innocent person on the street of London the other day, in streets that were once the most-safest in the world! This case is another high profile murder because he was a Lawyer.

But these attacks are not uncommon in most London boroughs, but the media silence is sometimes deafening!!! Many here are already arming themselves and will take the chance of getting pinched by the police, rather than leaving themselves to the mercy of the Muggers!
The Sparky 01.17.06 - 11:15 pm #

Thanks Chillout, hopefully its only Au revoir I just need to Chillout myself and get out of the Cess-pit that I was once proud to call my home, London and that hurts to see what they have allowed to happen to our capital city and our country! But I was always be a Londoner wherever I roam! I will look in from time to time on your blogs. Thanks for your support and comments.The Sparky 01.17.06 - 11:36 pm #

I too will be sorry to see you go Sparky! I understand though.I peeked at the BNP site and they sound quite reasonable to me! I would vote for them in a heartbeat. I am an 'ugly American' though! LOL!I've been seeing more and more in the blogosphere about the UK and the law abiding citizen's right to defend themselves not being recognized by the state. It's a damn shame. It is a HUMAN RIGHT to defend oneself and ones family and property.Someone dismantling a car on the block here would not fly! Hordes of gangs setting cars on fire like they did in France would not fly! My neighbors and I would ALL be out there with our guns to defend our families and our property.Keep up the good fight. I pray for the UK and for the US every day.
Monica-Philadelphia Homepage 01.19.06 - 6:59 am #

Thanks Monica we need your prayers for sure. The UK has changed beyond all recognition for the worse in just the last thirty years. The BNP party has been forced to pick up the gauntlet and represent people like me because there is no one else in British Politics, who is willing to address the issue that has put our country into such a terminal decline! This multicultural farce will implode at some stage, it has to! There are too many fractions fighting their corner for their own people! We are many races here now, but these others do not form a part of the main like those that defeated Nazi Germany and Japan during WW2. I don’t hate all foreigners but I like them better when the majority of them stay in their homelands, and we take only those who are going benefit us and give their all to becoming English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh.

The key for any immigration into a civilised country must be a balance one, which we do not have! Criteria must be set so that you only take those who are going to contribute and advance your country. There are far too many here who are just bringing us down, as my rants show. Up to a quarter of British people do not have a dentist, and I read a report in the media that stated that a quarter of our people have a drink problem! That must be the quarter that doesn’t have a dentist, and are anaesthetising they bad tooth-aches! Our quality of life is being affected by such invasions upon these shores. Wages and jobs are down in the construction industry and many other manual industries, in favour of the mass influx of cheap Labour.

The strain on our infrastructures is causing many services to crack under the strain! Social Housing, Welfare and Crime Prevention (say nothing of the new Muslim Terrorist Threat) are three that come to mind ask any indigenous Brits and compare the same services with those of only thirty years ago. I have the flu at the moment and went to my local third world surgery for the privileged of seeing it full to the brim of foreigners from all over the globe! I witnessed before my eyes a large African woman picking her nose and flicking it on the floor, as well as wiping her hands everywhere. This is not unusually here, many foreigners think Hygiene is an American Expression of greeting, ie HI JEAN! Still I have witnessed worst, blowing their noses without a handkerchief and with their bare hand and flicking it to the ground!!!!(Also spitting everywhere is common practice, no wonder TB is on the increase and making a come back. This was wiped out within a decade of the end of WW2, but foreigners are bringing it in and spreading it around! ) I went to the receptionist and told them what I had just witnessed and said I hope the cleaners are thorough here! When I went in thought the same door as this disgusting ignorant African I had to take a tissue and open the door with it because this walking piece of filth had stuck her sweaty infected hands on the handle! These big fat lard arses are fleecing us here in everything, and to think that back in my school days, the teachers used to bully us for our pennies to send out to these so-called starving Africans!!!

Where the UK is going, one does not need a degree in sociology or demographics! When I’m the last white person in my street, will I have integrated enough? When our national sports teams have no white sports men and women, have we integrated enough?When all those around me are not of my race will the British have integrated enough? By then it will be too late, we will not be in charge of our own destiny, and we will be second-class citizens in our own country all because action was not taken now to halt the flood into the UK.Immigration into the UK is pushing us, the indigenous out of our homes. It is a form of ethnic cleansing, no different from that of Yugoslavia abet without the war, but it is taking place. No one is willing to debate ‘White Flight’ the subject is too taboo! Thanks for all your comments and contributions to my blog Monica, you have helped me to go on as long as I have!I have just one or maybe two more left, then I’m looking for greener pastures!God Bless you Monica a gritty (never ugly) American Lady, and protect us from our enemies at home and abroad!
The Sparky 01.20.06 - 12:13 am #