Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Curly toes are coming here!!

Blair the Great Crusader and America’s partner in the fight against Muslim Islamic Terrorism is a paradox! He is now urging the cronies in the European Union to let in Turkey. Where are they all going to head for??? He is also friends of the anti America mob here too!
In fact he is everyone’s friend as long as it keeps him in power. He his now recommending that Turkey joins the EU, how many millions of those curly toe bastards will come here then? (not forgetting they are of course Muslims and will be the New Hard Labour voters.)
Picture of me coming back from working abroad, did not want to hang around for hours at the airport, for all those security searches. So we dressed up like a couple of the Sultan’s subjects and we were waved straight through no problem, But the little old white lady with a back pack was bundled to the ground! We were not bothered because the security did not want to offend followers of the Great One, Oh Allah the merciful! It worked that time don’t know if it will work again in the future the moustache kept falling off and I did not drink enough Turkish coffee and my feet started to straighten out!!! LOL

All this loss of our borders is scandalous, bumped into someone today who has worked for one of our limited shoe companies for 30 years. The owner a bubble (bubble and squeak= Greek) Cockney rhyming slang, has laid off two long term workers, so that the greedy bastard can employ 5 eastern Europeans for the same money!!)The new Brits that are here are USA bashers as well as the left, will we ever get rid of Hard Labour!

There are many left wing newspapers here too, also the Guardian Reader and the BBC are not friends of the USA either. Why would they be, they hate us indigenous Brits so much they are trying change our make up by social engineering. Many of you Yanks think that Blair is a great man, but he is a phoney! Any decent British leader would have come to Amercia’s side after 9/11.

We’re old allies after all twice in the last century!

But what is the alternative to Blair? The Tories (Conservatives) the party that Winston Churchill led, was not always flavour of the month with the working classes, because of the class struggles and poverty that existed then. But everyone knew he had Elephant Balls to get the job done!!!

The crocks of shit we have today, (to pinch an American expression) are deceivers and phoneys out to destroy the British indigenous races English, Irish Scottish and Welsh, that there can be no denying. We are crying out for someone strong to save us and our Islands from never ending foreign hoards.The Conservatives have wheeled out a defunct dinosaur to fight for their leadership. The buffoon is a fat old hush puppy shoe wearing twat, who smokes cigars! This twat speaks like Jeeves the butler is a real patronising git, his accent will make you Yanks want to vomit!

You have no friend in him either, he just stated in his open contention round for leadership battle that the war in Iraq has brought us the terrorist attacks in London. Talk about appeasement! The coward is a real shitter to use street talk of my youth. He is a disgrace to all the servicemen who have lost their lives in Iraq! No, the war in Iraq never bought us these attacks they would have happen over any policy that in the future that they disagreed with, we would have been liable to attack.

But were these attackers parachuted in did they have Nazis insignia on their uniforms. No three were they were the sons of Muslim Pakistani immigrants! The other was a West Indian who found this peaceful religion so appealing, plus he probably wanted to fuck a virgin in paradise! So you can see the problems us indigenous Brits have right now, we are being undercut in the work place. And there are foreigners who want to meet virgins in their heaven by blowing up innocent men, women and children.

That is no small thanks to all you traitorous politicians who over the last fifty years or so have turned a blind eye, to what the future holds for the race relations in the UK! David Davies, I think would be a stronger leader for the Tories and the problems ahead. But my vote may well go to the BNP, as we Brits have got to start thinking about our long-term survival if we are to stay on this besieged Island!