Cross of Saint George Forum
Hi Geongwulf
and the rest of the Saint George Bloggers. It is your prerogative to disagree Harold to the language I use, but I hardly think that I’m being feckless in highlighting the issues that many English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish have about our multicultural state.
I was a life long labour voter, even voted in the twat in 97. Voted for the Tories ever since even although this left a bad taste the first time! I thought, I hated Thatcher, but love her or hate her, (which I did the latter), at least she had balls! I am working class the very same that our Tony said no longer existed a couple of years back and it is us bearing the brunt of the liberal left-wing social experiment! And everyday more of us living the lie, are not looking to the treacherous left to get us out of this mess!
There are so many airy-fairy up their own arshole liberals around that I make no apology for language I use. I have met too many who think it’s alright for that we all live happily together, while they fuck off to their nice little hamlets down in Surrey or Sussex or wherever! (Do they think they are immune forever!) I make no bones about that and I intend to join them any time soon. However, enough of this PC nonsense worrying about the sensibilities of those who are not living the lie! As well as placating all the foreigners here. This will ensure with out doubt the certain demise of the four host nations before the close of the 21st century!
Harold, I respect what your generation did, I have heard many stories of personal sacrifice from my own family members and those of the public. But they did not fight Nazis Germany to be invaded in turn without a shot being fired! Class issues are definitely being replaced by those of race today. We have room for some immigration, but what has happened is illogical! If the immigrates/asylum seekers and illegal’s countries were invaded at the same rate as ours, what would their fellow countrymen do! How would they react! Would they have the red carpet treatment that our state provides! Don’t think so, there would be riots on their streets, but we Brits are far to civilized for that.
RE: permission to post,
PS I don’t have a comments section I would never get anything done if I did, but I caught your site forum on my stats tracker.