Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Bolshevik Broadcasting Company!

Let's get rid of the BBC

I tried to put a comment on the blog where I came by this posting but I probably had too many swear words! It did not take my comments, (I think) so they are underneath for that site. But please go to the top link of this post and try get rid of these treacherous bastards. The petition can be signed by the internet population and not just us Brits.

I saw someone on another site describe them as the ‘Bolshevik Broadcasting Company’ not wrong are they! Have you met these bastards who work for dear old auntie Beeb as Wogan used to call them. I have it’s like a left wing club full of liberal arseholes who don’t live in the real world! It’s just a corrupt gravy train, don’t pay the fee. They can’t exist with out it! It’s time for mass direct action of non-payment.

I think there is another site somewhere that has already started a petition caught hold of the James Whale show on Talk Sport radio a while back and this guy was trying to do the same thing, but not for political reasons. Just antiquated out of tune with the rest of the world! But I gladly sign your petition.

The Sparky

Definition of Bolshevik