Sunday, July 31, 2005

Cross of Saint George Forum

Hi Geongwulf

and the rest of the Saint George Bloggers. It is your prerogative to disagree Harold to the language I use, but I hardly think that I’m being feckless in highlighting the issues that many English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish have about our multicultural state.

I was a life long labour voter, even voted in the twat in 97. Voted for the Tories ever since even although this left a bad taste the first time! I thought, I hated Thatcher, but love her or hate her, (which I did the latter), at least she had balls! I am working class the very same that our Tony said no longer existed a couple of years back and it is us bearing the brunt of the liberal left-wing social experiment! And everyday more of us living the lie, are not looking to the treacherous left to get us out of this mess!

There are so many airy-fairy up their own arshole liberals around that I make no apology for language I use. I have met too many who think it’s alright for that we all live happily together, while they fuck off to their nice little hamlets down in Surrey or Sussex or wherever! (Do they think they are immune forever!) I make no bones about that and I intend to join them any time soon. However, enough of this PC nonsense worrying about the sensibilities of those who are not living the lie! As well as placating all the foreigners here. This will ensure with out doubt the certain demise of the four host nations before the close of the 21st century!

Harold, I respect what your generation did, I have heard many stories of personal sacrifice from my own family members and those of the public. But they did not fight Nazis Germany to be invaded in turn without a shot being fired! Class issues are definitely being replaced by those of race today. We have room for some immigration, but what has happened is illogical! If the immigrates/asylum seekers and illegal’s countries were invaded at the same rate as ours, what would their fellow countrymen do! How would they react! Would they have the red carpet treatment that our state provides! Don’t think so, there would be riots on their streets, but we Brits are far to civilized for that.

RE: permission to post,
The Saint George Blog, Yes, you have permission to send my posts far and wide. The Sparky
PS I don’t have a comments section I would never get anything done if I did, but I caught your site forum on my stats tracker.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


No no not the fanatical Islamic one that would chop off your hands for picking your nose and scratching your arse, Oh no sorry, they do that anyway before they read the 1000-year-old thoughts of Mohamed! This is the other liberal one from our own Wizard of Arse’s wife, (our own little mon Cherie) is worried that even in our non-declared state of emergency, the terrorist rights must not be forgotten!

Yes sticking up for the human rights of those that want to destroy civilization and put us literally in the dark ages! Blair’s wife the left wing lawyer who wants to ensure the rights of the terrorists are not trampled on, even if they want to cause carnage and mayhem in the UK. She has already proved herself a champion of the Muslims when she successfully won the right for a Muslim schoolgirl to attend school in her Daft Vader outfit! She is a total embarrassment to Hubby and the New ‘Communist' Labour Party.

Oh me, Oh my, Lions, Tigers and Bears , Oh my! Lions Tigers and Bears Oh my!

If only our problems were as benign! It’s more a case of Muslims, Terrorists and Liberals Oh My! Muslims, Terrorists and Liberals Oh My !

But a heroine like Dorothy she is not! More like the wicked witch.
Still it could all be just a bad old dream like Dorothy had!

‘Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.

Wake up - sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. She's gone where the goblins go,
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know
The Wicked Witch is dead!’

One for hubby!

I could while away the hours
Conferring with the flowers
Consulting with the rain.
And my head I'd be a-scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.

I'd unravel every riddle
For any individdle
In trouble or in pain
With the thoughts I'd be a-thinkin'
I could be another Lincoln
If I only had a brain.

Oh I could tell you why
The ocean's near the shore
I could think of things I'd never thunk before
And then I'd sit, and think some more.

I would not be just a nothin'
My head all full of stuffin'
My heart all full of pain
I would laugh and I'd be merry
Life would be a dinglederry
If I only had brain!

The Hand Wringers and Left-Wing Liberals will put the rights of the Terrorists before their own and ours!!!

Cartoon from great site

Also original from

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Living With The Threat!

Extract from Central News
Monday, July 25, 2005

Possible terror attack?This post is technically none political. Today I am heading to the Tall ships race in Newcastle and it has occured to me that it is the perfect place for an alqaeda terror attack. I will be doing my best to stay away from all black people with rucksacks. This is not because I am racist. Its because I know that no whites have done any terror attacks yet.If the people with the rucksacks smell like flowers I will run like hell because I have heard just before they blow themselves up they take a bath with scented rose water and scented perfume so when they meet their virgins in heaven. I hope to god they are sex mad male virgins that will rape them up the arse for eternity. They will also be preying to themselves.If you don't see me back bloggin within 48 and a bomb has went off in Newcastle I am either seriously injured or dead.
Also don’t mess with the Anarchangel!

Coming Home To Roost!

Is Parson Blair finally starting to wake up to the fact that a Multicultural Britain does not work! Sounds like he is getting tough with his latest speech, but is it more spin to save the varnish on his halo from wearing out. Poor Saint Tony almost starting to feel sorry for him, but we do need a real crusader to carry the fight to these evil Muslim scum fundamentalists. Whether he is up to the job will remain to been seen. he seems in a right tiswas over which way to bend. Does he carry on talking the talk but not walking the walk! (Still no troops on the streets and at the ports of entry into the UK, this despite the overwhelming public opinion is what we want.)

He has to draw a fine line not to upset the good Muslims! But he has made a rod for his own back, for the last 7 years the UK (since he came to power) has been flooded with immigrants’ so-called legal and illegal asylum seekers. The media and the public have voiced their concerns, only for him to ignore them.
(Migration Watch)
He has admitted recently that he had no real idea how many illegals had disappeared. There are probably in the region of a million plus gone to ground, some security policy since the 9/11 in New York. But look where the terrorists came from in America! They were from outside the USA, while our own are so-called Brits, what rubbish this is. You have never heard our other immigrants over the last century or so describing the themselves as British Irish, British Jewish, British Polish, British etc etc they may describe themselves of their various extraction, but are British first and last. However, the Muslim are British Muslims! The clear signal that they are sending out is one of non-assimilation. America and France do not put up with this from any Muslims who wish to live there! (Check out this report from the New York Sun)

We are now at a stage in many areas in London and other cities where the white indigenous Brits are an endangered species. From the little Russia Little Italy Little Ireland from a century ago we now have a paradox ‘The Little England’ areas. What does this mean, it means the norm in many areas are Big Africa, Big India, Big Pakistan, Big Turkey, Big West Indies and so on!
Even radio presenters are questioning the facts that the terrorist bombers here are second and third generation Pakistanis and West Indians, so what went wrong? Well some news for the non-enlightened hand wringing liberal Brits! It take more than being plonked down next to indigenous Brits given a council home like some of these latest terrorists have been and all the welfare benefits that has drawn many from the four corners of the globe like moths to a light, (wrong adjective, like pigs to the swill) How many indigenous Brits live in tower blocks with no gardens and are the children and grandchildren of our brave and courageous world war 2 generation?

To arrive does not mean I am (British) , like some perverse philosophy like Decarte’s I think therefore I am =Je suis donc Je pense hope I have got my French right! Perhaps to truly identify yourselves British of the home nations English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh a good dose of poverty in Victorian Britain, Dickensian life styles, a fight for universal suffrage and 2 world wars, they are the roots of many indigenous Brits that Blair and New Labour have turned their backs on.

You come to this Great country take the best with you and leave your shit at home we don’t want it here. Why is it that Islam has problems with all other religions around the world!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Who Am I ?

Recently my grandchild was worried that homework on famous black people in Britain’s history had not been completed. This was obvious to conside with the Black history month that was taking place. My grandchild is white and one of only four white children in a class with 24 black children several other children come from the four corners of the world and they cannot speak English.

Why should my white indigenous grandchild be forced to fly the flag for the so-called ethnic populations? It is they (the white children) who are now the ethnics in London and our large towns and cities and it is their culture under threat! Why is the curriculum hell bent on other cultures? Assemblies are played in to other countries music, and African drum lessons are compulsory. Why? We are in England after all! There is no mention of Winston Churchill and the blitz generation! Within sixty short years, the country that fought so hard for its survival has been betrayed by its PC leaders from the post-war years. Left wing ideology and their PC propaganda are to blame.

Does no one care what is happening to this great country of ours, what a shame. We might as well have not fought Hitler and Nazi Germany, so many lives would have been saved here and the outcome would have been the same as now. A conquered overrun nation that is ruled to the detriment of the indigenous British people! Why is there no discussion on what is happening in the ever-changing demography, particularly that of ‘White Flight’? Soon the only indigenous whites left in our cities will be the old and poor, added with the liberal lefts sprinkling middleclass stockades!

And now the Genie is out of the bottle regarding the perfect society! People from abroad of ever race and creed under the sun have made their homes here, many have not assimilated! They say the hate us and want to destroyed us. They want to put us back in the Stone Age. The multicultural society whatever that was supposed to be, does not for many indigenous people exist and was never asked for by the British people. People of different cultures and races have been forced to live side by side in this small island.

The leftwing political correct brigade have taken a holier than thou attitude that we are all one people, but now their treachery has come back to blow up in all our faces, literally! ‘What is good for the goose is not good for the gander is their philosophy. And you know who is getting a good goosing!’ Yes us Brits. Is it time now for our own organisations to protect the interest of the white population in the UK, we could start with a ‘Save the Cockney’ followed by ‘Save the War Veterans/Hero’ campaigns! Its not at all racist to suggest this, there are after all 101 associations spread out over this small island to promote those who see themselves different from us the indigenous, including The Black Lawyers and Black Police Officers associations to name but two. I’m not advocating violence but we have got to get political and get rid of these useless smug bastards who are just taking the absolute piss out of the our common heritage and history and will see Great Britain implode before they admit that they were wrong! Waiting for the second coming is the wrong way to go! Old class antagonisms are now being replaced by one of race. Don’t bury your heads in the sand. We must consolidate our strengths and save what we have and make sure those who are here want to assimilate, or show them the door! But above all we must now start on the road to regain our identity, for if we fail to do that we will surely succumb to the lie that we have brought all these problems on ourselves from Empire and colonization.

Someone sent me this a little while back, I thought it very apt in Britain today!

“I am the quiet child in the classroom, not a bully or bullied. Silently suffering an undisciplined class where only the so-called minorities are the recipients of care.

I am the quiet man in the world, filled with unspoken rage against the politically correct madness that passes for normal society.

I am the ageing adult who saw so many friends give their lives in battle for their country, for justice and a way of life they understood, and feel they died in vain.

I am the mourner at the death of common sense, of pride in race, colour, country, history and justice.

I am a madman in a society where the abnormal is normal, the wrongs are right and the rights are wronged.

I am the citizen in a country where the unreasonable child cannot be chastised for fear of abuse, and so abuses the world.

I am the stranger who dare not show a child affection for fear of being branded a paedophile.

I am the parentless child conceived in glass and given to people who turn their back on nature yet demand me as their right.

I am the victim, the abused, the disadvantaged who stand outside courts that put rights above justice and use the law as a shield for the wicked, and a weapon for the sly.

I am white, I am a racist, I am a man, I am a sexist, I am heterosexual, I am a homophobic and very soon I will be extinct if I do not stand up for my self and my rights!!!!!!!!!
Who am I?

(Re Stockwell Tube shooting, Ok it’s very tragic that an innocent man was shot dead, but the responsibility lies firmly with the Muslim Terrorists and our feckless and fickly leaders.)

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Whose side is the BBC on anyway?

I saw an interview with an eyewitness who was so concerned that the terrorist being chased fell. He may also have been pushed before being shot and (tut tut) he was not armed. The implication the twat was making that he was shot in cold blood. What a load of bollocks, police were defending their own lives as well as his and the rest of the public. He could easily have had a strap on bomb hidden. Still it is a shame for Bliar’s wife will have one less to defend! (She is a left wing laywer to our American friends.) Suicide bomber cannot be taken prisoner for the obvious reasons, and there is most likely a shoot to kill policy in place anyway for these bastards.

These nutters being put up by the BBC are probably on their payroll, being the cynic that I am. What about the social worker that saw a chap being mugged, she went over to him after he was picking himself up from the ground all bloodied and shocked from being robbed and attacked in broad day light in Bliar’s multicultural London and said “I wonder what could have made him do that”! Ah the joys of living in Alice’s Wonder Land!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Big Crises, Little Men!

So we had a lucky escape yesterday! When will our useless bastards leaders get to grips with the seriousness of these terrorists on our small island! We are defiantly being ruled by our inferiors. We want armed troops on the streets of London and at all ports of entry. What is PM B-lairs answer, Oh lets have our nice 3 months summer holidays (what a fucking joke), close down parliament and the nasty bogy men will hopefully have gone away by the time parliament opens up again in October! What a prick he is, a spineless piece of work, scared he will upset the Muslims here. We are at war here and a declaration to that fact should be proclaimed and the necessary responses and measures put in place. The language being used by the liberal twats is one of appeasement, which will give succour to the filthy scum carrying out these acts. The left wing political correctness that exists here is hindering our police and security forces!

The day they bombed London was the day that the Brits can finally take their first steps to reclaim our homelands! For the recent decades of deceit, lies and corruption, that our treacherous politicians have played in pulling the wool over the eyes of the gullible people of this Great Island, are no more! The Islamic suicide bombers have blown away those blindfolds forever in the worst atrocity since Hitler’s terrors weapons were launched against London over 60 years ago. Multiculturalism has been shown up for what it is and blasted to bits in the same explosions that killed the innocent victims. It does not work, and while we the indigenous white people of the UK still exist in greater number than those who hate us, we must political remove the left wing hypnotists that have harm our rights to exist as free born peoples.

We have all got to start, however small in smashing down this PC bullshit that is ruling our lives here and educating the rest of the UK, those not yet affected as to what awaits them if they ignore the continuing invasions upon these shores by peoples who will overrun our race and culture and replace it with theirs!

To all new visitors I hope to have a comments section up and running in the next week or two!

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Brain-Washing Must Stop!

No, I’m not talking about the British born Pakistani Muslim Terrorists (I think there was also a West Indian Muslim Terrorist as well!) who were obviously brain washed by Islamic fundamentalism. No I’m talking about Mayor (Red) Ken’s Trafalgar Square 6 pm vigil. Who did we open up with Dame Vera, or Winston Churchill’s daughter or grandson? You must be joking Ken’s trick was to hypnotize the mass audience there and those watching on the TV or radio on the merits of multiculturalism!

We opened with a left wing African poet! Ken then went on to say come to London and see the world living in harmony! What complete and utter bollocks, in the same breath he was saying that his generation owed everything to the war generation, I could not argue with him on that point, there was even a few tears from him! (But not because he and his ilk have fucked London and all our cities up forever.) But what respect did his left wing cohorts have ever shown to them? None what so ever! How many of that generation still living in London agree with his left wing ideology of multiculturalism? Many, I know are terrified of living in the society we now have that is tenfold the crime they knew when growing up in London and is much more violent and a very dangerous place to live! (We don’t all live in middle-class safe havens).

Red Ken’s ploy was one of appeasement to the Muslims living in Britain in their insular lives of non-assimilation. He even produced the head of the Muslim communities in the UK, who blessed us all in the name of Allah! Then a left-wing Rada type actor, who was born in Camden Town was produced also proud to be a Londoner (roll at the barrel). Then another Londoner the black newscaster Sir Trevor MacDonald who must be around 70 but been here 30 years born and bred in West Indians but another proud Londoner, (Oh knees up mother Brown …) I was waiting for Dick Van Dyke and his impression of a cockney chimney sweep with a back drop of Multiracial pearly Kings and Queens. (Mary Poppins, indeed!)

The brain washing was working, I turned off the TV after Seb Coe came on and started to walk up the shops for buy some milk! Then I started to wake up remembered where I fucking live, and returned home drove to large Supermarket instead where the chances of a becoming a mugger victim was slimmer!
Remember they’ll always be an England, even if it is full of bloody foreigners!
(Maybe its because I’m a Londoner that I love Lon---don town, get on your barrow)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Treacherous dimwits run the UK!

You must have noticed the web address by now the name is eye catching I admit. I can easily change it in the setting section of the blog controls, (I think). I was thinking www.iwantmycountryback but I feel this may be too late. But this is how I feel at this time, The Sparky is my handle. It is going to be a very basic looking site because I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to change the format. I have some very basic knowledge of web page building.

We all got start smashing down this PC bullshit that is ruling our lives here in the UK. A blog of my ranting defiance is my own personal contribution. If you don’t agree with me, tough go and join a Monastery (not an Islamic one though!) and repent your ignorant anti-British biases. If you do agree with me we can all start on the first step to get our country back! Don’t accept PC, refuse to, use non PC language, write to our useless MPs tell them you won’t vote for them unless we get some sanity back into our everyday lives, they may have not stashed away enough readies yet! This begins with proper home front security. Those from abroad, who make England and the rest of the UK their new homes, have got to start assimilating and become British. If they don’t wish to, they must be shown the door as unwelcome guests, this is where we have gone wrong in the past!

So where are we now, the Metropolitan Police have done a brilliant job in tracking down where the murdering scumbags came from! But this is only the start, they have to bring the puppet masters who have brought untold misery to those and their families who were killed and injured in the atrocities last Thursday to justice.

So what precautions have been put in place to protect us form these murdering scumbags? Well Noddy has sent Big Ears back to Toy-Town to make agreements with the Euro Muppets on tighter security. How long have we had since 9/11? Anyway, Noddy has deemed that he and the rest of the twats who are suppose to serve us in Parliament can bring in the extra measures to protect us after their fucking 3 months poncing summer holiday or in their terms ‘The Summer Recess’, only in the UK could this happen! Why are the troops not at our borders now? Why are asylum seekers and immigrant from Muslim countries still flooding in? This would not happen in the USA.

I have heard Muslim callers to a radio station say why was the IRA not branded Christians Terrorists! Well, they never carried out their acts in the name of God! Islam is an Ideology just like Communism and has to be defeated the same way. The problem is Noddy has some ex-communists (Big Ears Clarke our useless Home Sectretary for one!) in his cabinet and they feel they must not upset anyone who comes here, it is us who must be upset by carrying out and open door asylum and immigration policy that can let any future terrorists in!

How the fuck did we defeat Nazis Germany? On the radio I heard the presenter ask how is it possible that the Muslim communities in East-Ham London don’t speak with Cockney accents and have not assimilated. Easy being a Londoner! They colonised each house then street one at a time, only the poor and old white remnants of the Blitz generation have stayed put. Everyone else has got the fucked off out of there over the last 40 years.

So much for multiracial integration, I asked someone from Plaistow recently how this has happened, curry was his answer, yes curry the smell of it seemed to the main culprit plus not wanting to live in down town Bangladesh. While in other areas colonised by the West Indians (who also speak with their own version of English having never assimilated!) those moving from these areas was the noise factor, from the way they play their music at a high decibel level say nothing of the muggings. Incidentally another black on white murder happened here locally last week, a young white man was attacked and murdered as he left a public house and stabbed in the neck by three black youths. Yet the media always concentrates on white on black murder like Stephen Lawrence. When the statistics do not bear out this PC bias check this site.

While, someone on the radio said the Pastor was ruling us, have to agree. Yes Tony B-liar reminds me sometimes apart from Noddy, of the Vicar that Dick Emery used to play in his comedy sketches from the 1970s. All he needs is a pair of false goofy nashers (teeth), the patronising bastard. The useless arsehole does not recognise that we are in a state of emergency!
All for now

Monday, July 11, 2005

The London Bombings, Gloves Off Now!

To all American Patriots thanks for your support.

I have calmed down a little and amended my proposals, so any left wing non-patriotic scumbags who don’t agree with them can go and fuck themselves with a lighted stick of Dynamite and meet some virgins!! So it has started the Muslim terrorist scum have marked all innocent citizens of the UK as targets. How many of these animals have been let in under Labour’s open door immigration and asylum policy that will take in the scum of the world’s population without any vetting whatsoever.

How many have grown up here, second-generation corner shop-keeper’s children, the enemy from within? Now is the time for the indigenous Brits to strike back. We must consolidate our strengths and put the scum on their back foot in the forthcoming fight to preserve our way of life. If these bombings are a declaration of war, the enemy from where ever they come from will have to be taken on with the same unflinching resolve that our parents and grandparents took on Nazis Germany and Fascist Italy during World War 2.

If this means interment or repatriation for enemy suspect so be it. Gloves have now got to come off Germans and Italians were interned on the Isle of White and the Isle of Man here in the UK. While the USA interned the American Japanese population for the duration of the war after they did the dirty at Pearl Harbour! Right or wrong security of the British people must come first.

1) Interment camps must now be brought in to act as a staging post for the boot, to start kicking suspect foreign arses out of the UK.
2) The borders are closed to all suspect foreigners.
3) Repatriation of all suspect Muslims to the own countries.
4) Armed troops at all points of entry into the UK.
5) ID cards for all people who have no direct link with any British relations who lived through the WWII and cannot prove this link!
6) We ban all fanatical Islamic Clerics to their country of origin.
7) All Muslims must sign a declaration that their allegiance is to Great Britain if they wish to carry on living here.

No more pussy-footing about forget the Olympics in London spend the money on home security and our people, forget the poverty in Africa while were under attack and start thinking of the poverty of clarity in common-sense policies lacking in our Arsehole Leaders!!!

Time for a new statesman of Winston Churchill’s calibre to take us out of the mire, that the treacherous politicians of the last half a century have led us Brits into!!!!

You will always get these livered Lilly Liberals wringing their hands when the unpalatable has to be carried out to protect our freedom. My uncle a D Day veteran was one of only half a dozens men of around 40 in his company made it back to Blighty in one piece after his Landing craft hit the beach. Recently he moved from his land fit for heroes tower block, mid 80s and a real gentleman, but his 90% non English neighbours can’t even return his greeting of Good morning! I am glad we had a race with balls 60 years ago or he would have not had that problem, as we would all be speaking German now. Yeh, what would have happened if they all refused to not go, and tried the conscientious objectors route to peace?

Re: the IRA realised they were on to a hiding to nothing killing innocents with the main land bombing campaign (Guilford and Birmingham), the world’s media took them apart, which was not good for the course. They then concentrated mainly on the destroying the infrastructure Baltic exchange etc. They gave warnings didn’t they, this lot are a different animal, they want wide spread carnage, people who can hack of heads of live human beings will not be interested fencing with you and your liver lily arguments.

An analogy can be made with WW2 we admittedly, suffered then a million times more than these Tubes and Bus outrages. But we had radar the early warning system and first class fighter pilots and Winston Churchill, Chamberlain’s useless piece of paper showed that appeasement does not work. Where we nearly came unstuck was Hitler’s terror weapons, we managed to have some success with the V1s but the V2s we unstoppable (the prototype that put man on the moon) this is where we are now! If ground forces of the allied troops had not over run German positions they could have had us surrendering within six months with their terror weapon the V1.

The men who hit those Normandy beaches and their families have been betrayed, (how many with have gone if they had had a crystal ball!) the country has been given away, my uncle’s quote and he is not into politics is “That we have become a land of to many tribes”! Anyone can become British today, but you have to assimilate first! To arrive here and say I seek asylum therefore I am now British is certainly not recognised by the indigenous Brits that some have a hard time acknowledging.

America did not deserve what happened to them nor did Britain. Yet Muslim fanatics and hand wringing liberals say they it was brought on themselves! Wait a minute didn’t they both go to the aid of Muslims suffering in the former Yugoslavia states? Would Muslims have attacked Muslims for Christians, never in a million years. I’m not a warmonger but this country is under siege from unchecked immigration and asylum. I have lived here (in London) all my adult life, the multiculturalism that you liberals propagate for the remaining indigenous Brits is a million miles from the lives that most of you bastards have mapped out for yourselves. The do as I do brigade not the do as I do, still when they have fucked England up they can all flee to Tuscany or where ever they have stashed the readies! Your, all fucking hypocrites. We the indigenous Brits never asked for a multicultural country. No and I mean no, no one out of the thousands of normal commonsense Brits I have met in my life time want it.

From the ripple of the first few hundred West Indians that came here on the Windrush, to the over whelming flood form every corner of the globe. Britain is a country facing the extinction of her biological, cultural and historical blood line stock. (Mainly Anglo-Saxon and Celtic) Those coming here now do not wish to assimilate, like the Jews and Irish from our recent past. The working classes of Britain are bearing the brunt of mass unchecked immigration. Large pools of Labour reduce the market price for labour, it has also pushed White Flight to unprecedented levels. The foreigners move in the whites move out 200,000 per year for the last couple of decades in London alone! Dodging muggers and antisocial foreigners with crap values on London’s streets has become an art. It’s not stoic to brush aside the bombings, we do it because we live here and have no choice it was the same with the blitz generation. Let all these bloody labour minister start using the Tube and buses like us, of cause they won’t the gutless bastards. With all the foreign sods pushing us further and further out, some of us turn a blind eye others vote with their feet. But when they want to blow us up and the media and government has the audacity to call them Brits that hurts and is really taking the piss! I’m already hearing these so-called new Brits saying they will let or sell their homes and return to their real homeland if these bombings carry on! It was lucky it was not a dirty (Nuke) Bomb! Gloves off now!!!!