Sunday, August 28, 2005

An American friend asks, Can ya get out of the EU????

I think that would be the only chance to salvage some proper autonomy over our own affairs! However, traitors of the highest order are ruling us. They the ruling classes (sometimes referred to as the chattering classes or the left wing intelligensia) have a lot of second homes in Tuscany in Italy so they can really take in the renaissance ambience, (snobby twats)!

So it is alright to seek out the culture of Europe’s rebirth from the dark ages. And admire the great works of art and knowledge that sprang from that time too! But heaven forbid if we were to acknowledge the history and culture that Britain gave to the world. Just look in our schools and see what is being taught! These phoneys want to be near high culture, while they are putting the boot in on our own, how perverse and corrupt is that!
Blair is too scared to go there at the moment, security risk and all that! The all that being the jerk off the Italians are giving us in not returning that scum Muslim bomber who was tracked there! Or else they have bolt-holes in France, Portugal and Spain.

There is no way in Gods name that these people will want to negatively (financially wise) affect the retirement plans and upset their nest eggs.

Those who will pay the real price for this multicultural fiasco will be the poor indigenous white working classes of the UK. (I suppose we will all be issued with a Michael Jackson reverse pill at sometime, once big brother is in complete control. (It would be a darn sight quicker that this White Flight Business!) We can’t all flee, and many are too set in their ways. No, what has been done to us since WW2 is tantamount to treason. Our parents and grandparents made the ultimate sacrifices when this great nation went to war to protect our way of life then!

Only a third of the UK populations voted these Champagne Socialists in. The do as I say brigade not as I do, But that does not mean the other two thirds are right wing by any chance. You now have a very large foreign element to swing any small balance in votes. The white working classes of the the UK are really quite stuffed! It would take a revolution to shift the balance from the left and liberal so-called middle ground. The more foreigners that pour into the UK daily keeps the wages down and takes our hard fought for services (welfare, housing, education) say nothing of increased crime, drugs and disease combined with alien life styles!!! But they will remember who let them in! They are the new Labour Voters. As for many of these Liberal twats as long as the foreign hordes are not living in their villages or hamlets (but destroying our urban cities and towns forever), they will quite happily believe in the Multicultural Myth!

As for the Tories many of them are twats too and corporate creeps who have rose to the top in their political spheres by default and privilege they are out of step and have lost their conservative values.

The far right, BNP in this country political wise are a fledgling group not yet made inroads into the middleclass area, most of their support comes from working class people who are in the firing line and who are experiencing at first hand what the ostrich voter denies! It is so depressing really that the children of the war generation care little for they children’s children future because of their selfish short-term gains.

Incidentally, the former illegal immigrants in Spain who have been given an amnesty by the left wing government there, will go where??? Many will apply for a European visa over 1000,000 (one million) and will probably be made up mostly from the Muslim countries including those from North African Arabs and Black African Muslims!!!!

Tally Ho bandits at 6 O’Clock high approaching. LOL if it was only a Joke!

Achtung ! Fritz, Mien Got look out Fritz, Spitfire, rat te tat tat (We won that one, so that we may be ruled by fools and charlatans sixty years later!)

Thursday, August 25, 2005


The late Christopher Reeves as Superman

Out of the mouths of children!

Just had to put this up! My young grandchild said to me tonight just before bed-time. “Granddad, isn’t right that superman can’t go on holiday because he has to fight evil and beat up bad people”! “Yes” I said “off course” and chuckled out loud! “Why did you laugh” my grandchild said, “don’t worry, I was not laughing at you”. But there you go, I thought to myself! having just watched superman on TV and it was so ironic with how our Tony is taking in the sunshine while we’re waiting for some light to shine through on some sensible policies implemented here (not just useless rhetoric spill) on immigration, and Muslim terrorist problems we have here in the UK.

Ah, the innocent child’s perception on life is refreshingly honest!

Tony's latest spin:
"more powerful than a flying wet flannel, faster than a fat man trying to get out of burning building and able to leap over Peter Mandelson and the entire New Labour party, butt naked in a single bound!"

But Tony Blair aint no superman hero or a man of steel, more of a Super Pratt.
Nice photo of him in the papers with his ukulele getting away from it all, and still enough time for soliciting!

I'm leaning on a lamppostAt the corner of the streetIn case a certain little lady comes by.Oh me! Oh my!I hope the little lady comes by.I don't know if she'll get away,She doesn't always get away,But anyhow I know that she'll try.Oh me, oh my!I hope the little lady comes by.

There's no other girl I would wait for,But this one I'd break any date for.I don't want to ask what she's late for.She wouldn't leave me flat;She's not a girl like that.She's absolutely beautifulAnd marvellous and wonderful,

Song by another ukulele player George Formby who was also a hen pecked husband!

Some immigrants are Poles apart!

This post was started by David at A Tangled Web


In the country with no borders! In the UK right now there are a lot of poles coming to work, but there again there is a lot of everyone coming here! They are hard working, they are Christians, but they are also very Cheap!!! They do help restore a very slight religious and racial balance! I have no problems with Poles, HOWEVER I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH CHEAP LABOUR! Recently, I was wiring a house for a solicitor, I called out to the guy who was installing the fitted kitchen, he did not understand me! He done a good job though, but I asked the solictor why he was not using the guy I saw giving the first estimate. “Oh” he said slightly embarrassed “Er this guy is a lot cheaper and works well”! He had been passed along by other solicitors! Mass unchecked immigration into any country will always affect the indigenous working classes the most, skilled and the unskilled!!!

How much sterling leaves the UK every years, does it have a detrimental effect to the UK economy! My turn will no doubt come when another good pole, who is cheaper than me, replaces my labour and profit costs! He will work for a labour cost only. Again I don’t blame them for coming here I would in their circumstances, but that is no comfort to us Brits.
If solicitors were coming from abroad in large numbers and doing the conveyance in selling property here for say a pony (twenty five quid) and defending the rights to go to school dressed as Daft Vader look alikes (monkey for that one £500) questions would be asked by the members in Toy Town. And Noddy and his She Devil the best earners of all soliciting in the UK, the biggest prostitutes of them all would shout the loudest! Why? Because their monopoly was being taken away!

I won’t knock the Poles, out of all the recent immigrants into this country I would say they are the most deserving! They had to put up with living behind an iron block of USSR. They also suffered from the Nazis during the war.

But they most endearing thing about the Poles is they are not cowards!
They helped us save Britain in our first darkest hour !!
I believe they were a couple of fighter squadrons made up of them that helped the RAF defeat the German Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain.
(There were a few Aces fighter pilots amongst them as well!)

There is another factor why I welcome Poles here, they have some beautiful women arriving here. It’s nice to see some blond and blue eye immigrants for once instead of all the rag heads we have been getting for years now.

But they must not be turned into the cheap lackeys that some of our professional classes are tending to do! Competition is one thing, exploitation is another! It brings down the living standards for everyone!

Down with tight wads!!!

PS we must also remember that Spain has recently just given an amnesty to over 1000,000 (yes one million) illegal immigrants, now they will all hold a European visa with the right to come to the UK. How this will be played out is anyone guess. But impact on our labour market and social housing education, health services will not be good!
Welcome to Noddy’s land!!!

Monday, August 22, 2005


Where was Noddy?
Not at Robin Cook’s funeral!
Not here presiding over our security! (No danger of him suffering the fallout of a dirty bomb from there!)
Not at the VJ (Victory over Japan) Commemorations! (here in the UK)

The best bull-shitting spinner in the world, was low and behold in Barbados, commemorating their valiant effort in helping us destroy the evil axis of Germany and Japan in their quest for world domination 60 years ago.

Hmmm, as I scratched my head and pondered how many Barbadians had scrambled up the beaches of Normandy under merciless fire-power from the heavily armed and well fortified German soldiers? Also how many suffered the consequences of the British and Alied POWs being captured by the Japs, tortured, beaten, starved say nothing of the ritual beheadings that they carried out like a game of golf? (Answers on a post card addressed to No 10.)

No Noddy, is the most contemptuous UK PM in living memory and the UK is getting what we don't deserved! Only around 30% of those who voted, voted in this useless twat for another term.
Noddy and Big Ears are waving at us, had to look closly though, I thought they were giving us the finger! But don't worry they will be back soon here in 'Old Blighty' to protect us and hopfully right their wrongs, God help us!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

In a once relatively civilized society, now roams wild beasts!

Still no news on the rapists and murderers who tortured two young white teenage girls here in the UK!!!

See Sticks and Stones

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Muslim clerics are allowed to preach hatred on street corners and in Mosques. But if say a the right wing nationalist party supporter (BNP) had done a fraction of this they would have been arrested! I have been a labour voter all my life but not any more, (I never voted for them in the last 2 elections) I think the BNP may well get my vote next time around as there is no other party concerned with the issues facing the destruction of the UK from within!!! Right now, we are at the Last Chance Salon Bar, with how we save our country from all these foreign negative elements. It may even be too late! So much damage has been done by the lack of a common sense immigration policy since WW2.

I don't think that indigenous people who are right wing (even some ultra) are wicked they may be a bit misguided. But the average none leftie Brit is well and truly pissed off at where we are! I for instance did not suddenly wake up one morning and decided I have had enough of foreigners who are swamping the small island with their mass ghettos! I have many, many personal negative experiences of their input to myself and others including family members. That's why I moved away from where I was born and bred over thirty years ago! But now they have reached the suburbs of all London boroughs, drugs violent crime muggings rape, all crime in the UK is spiralling out of control. We can look at the prison population for example here to see that Afro Caribbean's make up a proportion that is astronomical to the two or three million here. Back in the 1970s a police chief (before political correctness set in) stated that many of those from the West Indies were a lawless lot!! I know this can be a little unfair, but who ever is giving you the crap in life you tend to give a wide-berth! (You don't mix with and keep away from)

The way I look at it if these people have a bad attitude and hate the White Britons why the hell are they here. (The Muslim Terrorists were Asians and West Indians, not content with driving us out of the cities with their noise, smells, and criminality, they now want to bomb us out in the name of Allah!) Many others foreigners who are not into crime in a big way, cut themselves off in their insular lives. I know many Brits who have fled London just because of different life styles clashes!! When you have an Asian family move in next to you and the stink of curry is 24/7 in the neighbourhood, (With Afro Caribbean's it's their love of the boom base beat that accompanies their music!) I like a curry now and then but I don't want the smell in my home 24/7. I like all music but I need my eardrums to listen to it.

My area was pretty safe until around ten years ago when they started to colonise around here. All this multicultural crap just does not exist for the indigenous white working classes. As I have stated on previous posts they move in with their ways, whites move out while the poor and the old are left behind. The only living together is during the transitional period (when they are moving in, while your race is moving out, all with false smiles from both parties of course and shakes of the hands to secure the purchase of your former homes!!) of their take over until colonisation is complete!!!

They are just a couple of examples. Who ever gives you the grief you become antagonised and anti them!! If Martians land and start robbing us you would soon get pissed off with them wouldn’t you? All this combined with the lack of manners many of us grew up with has made many of us (200,000 per year in London alone!) want more than ever want to get away from all these negatives experiences for the rest of their llives. There are problems enough with home-grown thugs and twats without importing foreign ones!

Just received this e-mail, I've made some small adjustments to the polite language it contained!

United Kingdom - The Right to Leave!

Our Country - YOU Have the right - the right to leave.After many cities not wanting to offend other cultures by putting up Xmas lights.
After hearing that the Birmingham council changed its opinion and let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's license with her face covered. This prompted this editorial written by a UK citizen. Published in a British tabloid newspaper.
Take It Or Leave It I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on London, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Brits. However, the dust from the attacks has barely settled and the "politically correct" crowd begin complaining about the possibility that our patriotism is offending others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Britain. However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.

This idea of London being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Britons, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.
This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.
We speak ENGLISH, not, Arabic, Urdu, Hindu, Bengali, Lebanese Chinese, and a Thousand and one other different tongues used here every day! Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, Learn the Bloody language!
"In God We Trust" is our National Motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our culture.
If St Georges cross offends you, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.
We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, And we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.
But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great
British freedom,
If you aren't happy here then for fuck’s sake go!! We didn't force you to come here.You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted. If not pretty easy really, when you think about it, we will not stop your rights!
"The Right to Fucking Leave!"

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

More questions answered on homeschooling!

Monicar a homeschooling tutor in the USA has kindly answer questions, that may help those here in the UK and elsewhere, decide if they want to take charge of their own children’s education!

Hi Monicar, a very big thank you for giving an insight into homeschooling! I will stay on this post for a while to give it a good airing! I think an alternative to left wing biased state education is long overdue for those who want a more balanced and truthful education for their offspring. I’m going to look at the situation here in the UK and see how it works.A couple of questions, do you run your teaching timetable along the lines of your public schools, re: holidays?Also do you set aside a room and make it, well like a classroom to create a learning environment just like the school classroom? Like a couple of desks and globes, charts and pictures to encourage a conducive learning area?Or is teaching in any room or area, just curious. What in your opinion and experience is the best format?

Monicar’s reply

Sparky - it's different for everyone. We have the kids computers set up in the dining room with shelves for the books and we also have a lot of their toys in there. Their artwork adorns the walls the drawback being that we don't have a dining room now...we eat gathered round the coffee table in the living room. Most of the work is done away from the computers. Writing, reading, math manipulatives etc.. We 'do school' in many settings. Sometimes out on the lawn, sometimes at the picnic table, sometimes in the livingroom at the coffee table, sometimes in the dining room, sometimes in the kitchen while I'm cooking, sometimes riding in the car I have them do some stuff. I know of one family who set up their finished basement as a schoolroom and that's where they do everything.

Some people like to get it all done in the a.m. but as for us - we sleep in and get going a little later. We're usually done or nearly so by the time the publics get home and start calling and knocking up. Sometimes we save music or art until after dinner. As I've been doing this for several years now I've moved away from regimented to a more relaxed 'go with the flow' type of mentality. We love it and as I said - at the beginning I was very worried and keeping tabs and regulating things and fretting over the little stuff. I have now learned that it will all get done (it is a lot!) without all of that worrying.

There are days where I have to push the kids a little harder and remind them that if they want to advance then they need to get the damn math worksheet done sometime within the next 68 1/2 hours! Most days are not like that though. They're excited and want to see what's up next. Most days are good and very enjoyable with lots of laughter and learning.There are many ways to approach it from a very un-structured 'un-schooling' philosophy to a very structured, teacher/class type of environment. I am somewhere in the middle and gravitating toward the more un-structured. The exception being a summer break. We take days off that the publics are in school and many times are doing school when the publics are off. We tailor it to what WE need - not to what the publics are doing. When the kids whine to me about doing school when the other kids are off I remind them of the time we went sledding in the snow while the other kids were sitting at school. They get over it.

Question from Sparky

Hi Monicar, I like your philosophy on home education. I suppose some though might like the classroom setting and strict times! Question how much record keeping do you have to do, do you need to show prove to inspectors that you have covered a particular area against knowledge that a child of a certain age would have deemed to have cover in your public schools?

Monicar’s reply

Sparky you are lucky in the UK in that you do not have to document ANY of this to your bureaucrats.Here it depends on the state. In PA they must have 900 hours/180 days per year of instruction time for elementary level. They must be evaluated by an evaluator. You must provide notification to the school district with goals by a certain time each year. You must keep a portfolio of their work and document days/hours. It's a matter of putting their work into a file and keeping track of days teaching. There are different tools that can be used to keep track of it all.Some states don't require all of that. It seems that the UK does not require that from the parents. Count your blessings!
Here is a link to an example of a tool that can be used by homeschoolers to keep track of everything:

Monday, August 15, 2005

Avoid Brain-Washing!!!

Teach your own children if you have the savvy!

This post is to enlighten us poor lemmings that this is another way here in the UK and elsewhere to take full responsibility for your child’s education, instead of throwing them into a second rate bias left wing state education! When they go out to school in the mornings whose values and ideologies are they coming home with in the afternoon? The idea for this post comes from Monicar has kindly sent me this link
that I admit to not fully looking at yet.

My daughter and her husband has kept their child away from school on the enlightenment days visits and I don’t blame them! Yes visits to Hindi and Sikh temples just waiting for the Mosques dates for the complete set and free coffee cup. (Christian beliefs are way down the scales!) Also plenty of African so-called folk dancing, more like tribal! However, my grandchild can’t get away from the Bongo drum lessons that they had every week in school! They even have several Ghanaian drum experts to show the kids the full merits of their goatskins. How much money is wasted on this brain washing is anyone’s guess. As for poets what's that West Indian Rasta’s name who knocks the English with his racist crap, saw it plaster all over the wall on an open day. Just lovely to read, while the stupid white liberal twats that call themselves English teachers are grinning from ear to ear!

What’s the matter with high culture, a bit of classical! Or even an old-fashioned music teacher, heaven forbid that. (No, they be the devil tools, don’t look at them they’ll turn your head around!) Yes, the tambourine, drum, guitar, and flute or tin whistle are for the most part confined in preference to foreign shit! They can learn repetitive drum sounds with an African indoctrination to boot! That the school has a sort of printed disclaimer outside the classrooms to reassure the white folk that these are not racially bias lessons but simply repetitive drum sounds in accordance with the national curriculum speaks volumes, that the opposite is the truth! Not in those words but that’s what they mean! No, today our children the indigenous white ones have to now dance to a different tune! It’s a case of drip drip drip, brain washing in others foreign heritage and cultures and histories. While the tap is fully turn off when it comes to our own!

I try as much as I can to make up the education that the state school is now omitting from my grandchild’s education. I’m sure there are many others out there in the same boat with real concerns about a 21st left wing state bias education in our primary and secondary schools here in the UK. (Probably Universities as well they say bad things go in threes LOL) Also twats that have come out of them, elitist bastards (MPs) here in the UK who go on to govern us, but could not even organised a piss-up in a brewery! (A party that includes alcohol in a place where they make it!)

The following is part of my enquiry into homeschooling from

Monicar a homeschooling tutor in the Good Old USA, whom many here are ignorant or ignore (the left wing twats) the facts that Hitler and Japan sixty years ago would have gone onto to world domination, without their help in slaying these evil beasts.)

Comments section

Hi Monicar I going to write a post on home schooling, may be up on the blog tonight, well this morning it's around 2 am here in London (what's the time where you are?) I caught your return comments only seven minutes after I posted them. So we were on the halo system same time. However, I'm only a very sloooooow typist so I can't get back to you at a decent rate of knots!

I type with these two fingers, but speed is not everything, and the same two fingers that make a useful V sign to the government through my posts. (I hope!) Our other V sign for those not too familiar is not Churchill’s sign for Victory a V with first finger and middle raised with the palm facing outwards. It’s the same fingers raised with the back of the hands showing outwards meaning F--- Off. Same two fingers that the French chopped off after they captured English and Welsh Long Bow Men Archers I believe, after our victory over them at a the Battle of Argincourt (I think that's how you pronounce it) around 1415 something like that could check both on google!

Anyway I think that post has gone for tonight, but a couple of questions for you. What does it cost on average overall to teach a child at home with all the bits and pieces of bureaucracy plus your cost of material. ( think it would add to the post to give some personal insight.)

Also what percentage in your opinion does home-scholars/schoolers go all the way through to senior level/ high school? Or is it a case of pick and mix to suit different situations?
Because I caught a comment on your site stating someone dropped in then out! Well my fingers are starting to burn out I’m working up a speed here.LOL

Reply from Monicar

As many homeschoolers as there are - that is how many ways one can homeschool.You can buy a curriculum that's fairly expensive and have a lot of structure or you can go with absolutely no curriculum and be very un-structured. You can join a cyber-charter in states that it is allowed (which doesn't cost a penny) or deal with complying with the law with the support of homeschool support groups. You can be a part of a 'co-op' where several families agree to get together and share the teaching or not. It doesn't seem to make a difference in that no matter how children are homeschooled most are doing very well.
There is a case to be made that the 'state' is concerned that children aren't being abused etc...and I suppose I understand that concern. However as is true every time the 'state' becomes 'concerned' it is easy for the 'state' to trample on parental rights and that does NOT help the vast majority of families who would never abuse their children and take very good care of them. What many don't seem to grasp is that parents want the best for their children and want their children to be successful. I've had people ask me - what about the homeschooling parent who would help their kid cheat on an assessment? These people do not understand that we homeschoolers - as parents - do not want our children to have to cheat to get ahead. We insist on a higher standard for our kids. We know that they are capable of achieving a higher standard and they certainly don't disappoint.

I personally believe that ALL kids are most definately capable of achieving much more than what is expected of them in our public schools.Homeschooling is great in that it is tailored to the child. There is no sitting in class going over the same concept several times until the 30th kid finally gets it. There is no rushing ahead and feeling unprepared because one didn't get the concept. If my kids need to go over something several times - we do it several times and approach it in different ways until they understand. Most of the time they 'get it' right off the bat and we're sailing on to the next thing. There is no worrying about having 'too many' questions. Many times the questions lead into a much deeper exploration. I will honestly say that I have learned so much myself in teaching my kids. When I was in school, #1 - it was more important to sit down and shut up, #2 - quite often the smart kid caught a bunch of crap from the other kids, #3 - although it is constantly said that no question is a stupid question quite often that is NOT how the teacher treated an unwanted question, #4 - most of my teachers would rather die than admit they didn't know something and I could go on and on.

I think I mentioned on a response that my sister homeschooled my nephew for 2 years because she didn't like the middle school he was to be assigned to. It worked out very well and then he decided to attend high school which my sister is fine with.

Wow - I went on so long it cut me off... (the word limit on halo!)Anyway I was saying that many homeschooled kids think they're missing out on something and decide to go to public school especially as they get older.Thanks for the info about the V for victory - I had never heard about the chopping off of those fingers and it will make for a fascinating history lesson! Here just the middle finger up means 'F*** YOU!'LAST THING! One does NOT have to be wealthy to homeschool. Most homeschoolers including ourselves live modestly, spend very little on curriculum materials, have given up material things such as a new car every year, the yearly trip to Disney, eating dinner out etc... The reason for us is that I dropped out of the workforce and we lost that income. Most homeschoolers live on one income so that one parent is with the kids. Most homeschooling families I've noticed that the mother AND the father are very involved with their kids.

That's it Sparky - I hope that I answered your questions and looking it over I am dismayed to find that I don't seem to have done that....sorry...LOL!Take care. It is now 11:55 p.m. on the 13th of August. Almost time for beddy-bye

Sparky’s reply:
Hi Monicar, thanks for answering my questions and giving a profile to homeschooling USA. I’m sure it will give a lot of heart and encouragement to others who are completely ignorant on the subject or with very little knowledge on it. I am going to post your reply on my front page and unless I hear otherwise from you I will take it as an OK. If your about tonight, (my fingers are speeding up and I’m starting to use fingers on both hands to type LOL) please let me know that this OK with you. I am glad that the two-finger salute story may be used in a history lesson. I would have to use the American one finger salute in a sex lesson here. LOL Although the V sign story could also be use in English Literature, Shakespeare’s Henry V. Your story is encouraging to anyone who wishes to go along this road of home education for their children, you can do it on a limited budget!I liked your adjective, Sparkster! I do intend to keep post running a few times a week while I still live in London and have to live the multicultural lie! This is my own personal resistance to what is happening to our country by the left wing hypocrites, who mostly send their kids to privately paid schools! We must resist what is happening to our culture, history and heritage, Home Schooling could be a useful starting point!

For more points on this post see Blinkered Pit Ponies comments.
Anyone in the UK who has experience of homeschooling please add your comments in ‘Avoid Brain-Washing!!!’
Though, No left-wing anti British tripe-sters!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Blinkered Pit Ponies!

Just like those hard working creatures one can draw an analogy with the indigenous Brits too busy pulling their loads to see, know or care for their futures. Some went to the knacker’s yard! The lucky one saw their lives out in green pastures. Many Brits do not have the time and energy to get politicised to the whys and wherefores about what’s wrong and where Great Britain is going. Consequently, we are being ruled by our inferiors! I think it was Thomas Jefferson (An American President) who said it only take a few good men to do nothing for evil to triumph. Just checked with google it turns out to be Edmund Burke quotation. I think many of us feel we are beyond this stage. The fact that Noddy and Big Ears Fucked off on holiday and there is a big who-har about the civil liberties of those who are walking about free in the UK spouting off their evil intention to do harm to us, is beyond belief!

One evil Muslim cleric Omar Bakri who qualifies from the above criteria has several wives supported by the state welfare benefits and a £31,000 vehicle to boot, courtesy of the UK. You could not make this sort of stuff up in black farce or novel. The government stated last week that they intend to prosecute these scum-bags under a 1848 Treason act which is still on the statuary books, but minus the death penalty. (Which New Labour abolished in 1998, as it bore no true reflection on who was being a traitor to which country, because there were so many bloody immigrants here! Plus their intentions knowingly or incompetently to FLOOD THE UK WITH 1000,000 (yes one MILLION)) illegal asylum seekers (since then) who they have no tracks on their where about on this tiny island!!!

Yet our incompetent ‘New Labour’ is scared witless to take any real actions to protect the homeland security of its people! (For it no longer knows who its people are!) The protection of its people of course being the first responsibility of any civilized state. The whole of this New Labour cabinet and their fanatical supporters would have been interned 65 years ago for treason while we were at war with another crack-pot regime and ideology from Nazis Germany. But worse would have been in store for them had they been German politicians and had showed signs of treacherous incompetence or cowardice! They would have been shot against a brick wall or left hanging from piano wires.

We still free born Britons must not be scared to use our inherent rights to free speech if we see problems now and ahead for us. I’m not advocating violence against anyone only in self-defence. The statesmen we have now of a Churchillian stature are nowhere to be found. It’s sadly a case of the three wise monkeys! “See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil”. Yes this old saying could have been ready made for New Labour in crisis!

A couple of links from the Sticks and Stones forum

The Leader of the BNP spells out the differences on reporting between White on Black race crimes from those of Black on White! Very eloquently, me thinks!

Link From sticks and stones

Also the filthy foreign and (home grown) scum who come here and rape!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Discovery Safe!

Very well done to America for getting Discovery back safely after it’s space mission. Just watched it on Sky News coming in to land. Well done USA, man has come so far, yet these Muslims Nutters want to put us back in the stone age!

PS, We must not forget the Royal Navy that helped the Russian submariners get free from their trapped submarine, also believe 2 USA divers helped in this rescue mission. This is the way to go forward to ensure a safer world, help and understanding from former cold war enemies. Steady on sounding I’m sounding like a Liberal! LOL

No Traitors or left-wing scum!

I have been asked by some of our American friends in the good old USA about a comments section. So here it is!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

A Month Ago Today!

Lets not forget what happened a month ago today our thoughts and prayers must go out to all the victims and their families. The photo below is why we must defeat the enemy from within! These home grown terrorists want the UK to become an Islamic state! The IRA wanted more autonomy for Northern Ireland resulting in a possible united Ireland but they gave warnings!These Muslims terrorists want to change our way of life forever! But I’m making no excuses for any acts of violence against the state or the individual.

Just how the worst terrorist attacks against Britain since Hitler’s Terror Weapons of WW2 were circumvented can be placed firmly at the door of the Multicultural Ideology. This ideology was imposed on the working classes of the British Isles but has now come back to haunt all classes in the UK! There has been no real integration from our point of view, Blacks move in Whites move out and some have their children! The poor and the old are left behind and it is they who have to make the effort to fit in with the newcomers! Just met an old woman ambulance driver of the London Blitz she said to me “why has it been allowed to happen”? She was talking about the changing face of the UK, literally. What can you say to someone like that, your sacrifices were all in vain! The country you helped to save from Nazis Germany domination was for those who are here now!

Over 50 years ago the Windrush pathfinders set about the colonization of whole swathes of working class areas, from the first few ripples of immigration has come the great flood that will eventually engulf all of Great Britain. We are only minuscule in size compared to the USA that also has the same problems, but we never had cotton-picking slaves imported here, so why are we having the same social and racial problems! The press are quite happy to keep the lid on things but those who live the lie know just what is happening out there! I have a cousin in Dewsbury in Yorkshire a few years back that had to have classes in a room above a public house because their children were just white dots in the local Asian Comprehensive Schools! Recently I found a Yardie special, (an automatic gun) fully loaded stuffed in a hole in a brick wall very close to where I live. No, I never kept it the police were called but you will never see reports like this in the liberal media. No doubt put there ready for a crime, only 100 yards from the local comprehensive school! I moved away from Muggings, drugs, bad habits, lack of manners and the crime that follows with their young over thirty years ago, but not far enough. Since labour got in 1997 the area is going to the dogs we knew it would come eventually! At this rate all our cities and large towns will be supplanted with peoples of different races and cultures within a couple of decades. Your children’s children may ask, like the little old lady who drove through the London Blitz, how did it happen? Many of you may look away in silence and ponder how her generation stopped another great invasion planned for this unique, of all islands!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Bolshevik Broadcasting Company!

Let's get rid of the BBC

I tried to put a comment on the blog where I came by this posting but I probably had too many swear words! It did not take my comments, (I think) so they are underneath for that site. But please go to the top link of this post and try get rid of these treacherous bastards. The petition can be signed by the internet population and not just us Brits.

I saw someone on another site describe them as the ‘Bolshevik Broadcasting Company’ not wrong are they! Have you met these bastards who work for dear old auntie Beeb as Wogan used to call them. I have it’s like a left wing club full of liberal arseholes who don’t live in the real world! It’s just a corrupt gravy train, don’t pay the fee. They can’t exist with out it! It’s time for mass direct action of non-payment.

I think there is another site somewhere that has already started a petition caught hold of the James Whale show on Talk Sport radio a while back and this guy was trying to do the same thing, but not for political reasons. Just antiquated out of tune with the rest of the world! But I gladly sign your petition.

The Sparky

Definition of Bolshevik

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Life on Mars!

For God’s sake you couldn’t make it up with these bastards who are running the show! Big Ears has fucked off on holiday while we are in a state of emergency. But don’t worry our buffoon of a home secretary is in touch with state of the art gadgetry, ie the phone! It is not the point, we are in a state of emergency, undeclared of course! (Talk about the Churchill Spirit, what can you do with these bastards? They probably think it’s a new brand of scotch!) What could we possible expect from the worst government in living memory. He may be in touch, but the point is he should be fucking here, to share the risk and give us comfort and a laugh if these nothing funny on the box. Anyway can’t blame him really for taking his chance in America, heard he is doubling up for Shriek in his latest movie!

But we are all safe in our beds at night in the knowledge that he has left a little pixy in charge! Pint size Hazel Blears said the police should not carry out racial profiling. Muslims should not be made to feel they are being picked on! What useless twats these left-wing labour bods are, its tough shit if a Muslim gets questioned on the street or public transport that is so unsafe to travel on anyway (see last post). Ok let’s start stopping little old white ladies with their rucksacks! Don’t forget suspicious looking Rabbis, what have they got under their coats, yes there always overdress in the warm weather, nice one Hazel you’re on the ball!

Copied from An Englishman’s Castle

So when little green Martians complete with antenna are strolling down Oxford Street window-shopping of course, send in the SAS, we have got those Muslims terrorists covered, our intelligence service already knew that Mars was now an Islamic state!

Monday, August 01, 2005

A Biased Media?

Bad Language is one thing deceitful and bias is another!

My language may contain a lot of expletives but that’s part and parcel of a working-class background that I make no apologies for, plus I don’t want to mince my words. Today I saw a new bulletin that a young black-man was murdered in Liverpool in an unprovoked racist attack. In the same BBC news bulletin a young white man in London was killed in an unprovoked attack on a London bus. The young black man’s story was a few minutes long while the death of the young white man was a few seconds!

While any murder is deplorable and a complete tragedy for the families and loved ones left behind, lets have some fair and unbiased reporting on the facts surrounding each murder!

The young black man was with his white girlfriend and cousin when he was attacked with an axe, according to the reports on TV and in the Newspapers. The assailants were white, a horrific racist murder on the face of facts so far presented.

The young white man on a number 43 bus in London objected to food being thrown at his girl friend, they both endured this for 10 to 15 minutes before remonstrating, other passenger moved away. The young white man was stabbed several times. His assailant was black, so was not his death also considered a racist attack? Apparently not, when he gets caught he will probably be just your average psycho wandering around on London transport. (And they want to get us out of our cars into buses and trains, this without the terrorists bombers!)

The way the British media plays the safe race card has gone on for too long!
When a black man is attacked it’s often recorded as racist, while the attacks on the white population is played down. Those who live in the multicultural areas cans see this at first hand. About three years in a north London suburb there was a horrific attack on two young white men, by a black man with a samurai sword, he killed one and seriously injured the other. The white men had never seen the black man before and were returning home after being to a rugby match. The black man was caught his mitigating plea was that he went into a local public house and was racial abused, he said he was “called a nigger” so that's alright then! He got 11 years for this horrific crime, he will be walking the streets of London within the next six years I guarantee.

That story made about a half a page, if that in the local. There was nothing in the national newspapers, which would guarantee full coverage on white racist attacks!

Apparently, they have the same problem in the USA with the reporting of one-sided race crimes.